Monday, December 10, 2018

America's BIG problem

Liberals will get richer and stronger with more advantages, while conservatives will have fewer opportunities:

How the U.S. Became the Top Climate Leader — Despite Trump’s Denialism

I did not expect this...but it's actually somewhat depressing because it means we're the best among a sorry bunch:

Why We Don't Need a Moonshot to Solve Climate Change

The painful global politics of responding to the looming climate change disaster:

Family Separation

A good John Oliver take on the immigration issue:

Republicans Around The Country Are Working To Declare Democrats Unconstitutional

This is how democracy dies:

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Why the U.S. Can’t Solve Big Problems

I guess this is what to expect from the country that inspired the quote, "Americans can always be counted on to do the right thing...after they have exhausted all other possibilities":

Unfortunately, by that time it will be too late....

Monday, November 26, 2018

GOP Shrugs Off Bombshell Climate Report

Climate change is potentially more catastrophic than a nuclear war...and it's inevitable unless we act to counter it now. So politicians ignoring the threat is literally treason:

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Friday, November 9, 2018

2018 was a WAY better election for Democrats than most people seem to think

A big fight is coming over Trump’s tax returns

Damn it, there is a possibility that Trump will keep his tax returns hidden:

What the Artist Behind a Comics-Style History of Anti-Fascist Resistance Thinks You Should Know About Antifa

Some useful points:

"Nazism was finally defeated through the terrible destruction of World War II, if that’s what people want to go to because they think it’s not right to confront fascists when they’re in the streets. Confronting fascists in the streets when they’re a much smaller movement is a lot better than waging a world war to shut down a fascist state."

"Antifa wouldn’t exist if there weren’t these fascist and far-right groups mobilizing and carrying out attacks. If you look at the last couple of years, there’s been over two dozen people killed by far-right and fascist groups and individuals, and antifa hasn’t killed anybody."

We now know it’s folly to rage against Trump

"A central problem is that, while the right traditionally thinks the left is wrong, the left thinks the right is immoral. Thus the anti-Trump, anti-Brexit champions have found it easier to abandon reason for moral damnation."

Why the Midterm Results Should Concern You Regardless of Which Party You Support

The danger of gerrymandering:

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

“I Don't Like Her. Should I Vote for Her?”

Women are judged more critically than men, and the characteristics people like in men are often a liability in women. I hope this doesn't hurt their election chances...but I'm sure it factors in:

Noam Chomsky says Trump and allies are "criminally insane"

If you're ignoring climate change, you're ignorant, stupid or insane:

Monday, October 29, 2018

What would happen if everyone voted? Researchers suggest big changes

The US would become much more progressive if voting were required:

How to get everyone to vote? Hmm, how about doubling the cost of vehicle registrations for non-voters?

The Fight For The Supreme Court Is Just Beginning

I still think progressives tend to lose all the battles and then win the war, and this appears to be shaping up the same way:

No Wonder America Is Divided. We Can't Even Agree on What Our Values Mean

Disheartening...although perhaps agreeing on definitions would reveal more similarities? Wishful thinking:

Trump: We won’t have ‘peace and harmony’ until I get better press coverage

I just hope Trump's bullshit only backfires against him:

Thursday, October 18, 2018

How the Anti-Trump Resistance Is Organizing Its Outrage

Despite all the bad recent news, this is encouraging:

I know I'd like to do more around my neighborhood, although I'm not sure the best approach toward the Trump supporters.

Republicans' hypocrisy on the US deficit is stunning, even in Washington

More hypocrisy, more reason to despise the Republican Party:

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Monday, October 15, 2018

How to Fix the House of Representatives in One Easy, Radical Step

Maybe this would be a good thing...but what REALLY needs work is the Senate. Wyoming shouldn't have as much clout in the Senate as California.

How a Conservative Supreme Court Could Actually Benefit Progressives

The SCOTUS usually follows the cultural zeitgeist, which is fortunate because society continues to shift away from conservative values:

Thursday, October 11, 2018

How Trumpism Will Outlast Trump

Well, it's better than Trump's GOP and traditional GOP policies:

But why would anyone name that movement after a fart?

Then again, this shows that it is probably appropriate:

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Give up to $60,000 to every American kid at birth, says inequality expert

Here's a novel way to combat economic inequality, and it would be almost paid for by simply rescinding that last Republican tax cut:

Are you willing to make some calls to at least TRY to stop Kavanaugh's appointment?

While there's little chance of sinking Kavanaugh's nomination to the SCOTUS, we have to do whatever we can or the blame is partially on us. So please call the senators below and voice your opposition to Kavanaugh getting a lifetime appointment as a Supreme Court justice, in particular his belligerent conduct in the hearings instead of showing coolness under fire, his many small lies that should be disqualifying for any Supreme Court justice, and the allegations from classmates about his abusive behavior towards women and his uncontrollable temper and aggressiveness.

Senator Lisa Murkowski

Senator Susan Collins
(202) 224-2523 

Senator Jeff Flake

U.S. Senator Cory Gardner
(202) 224-5941 

U.S. Senator Joe Manchin

Ben Sasse

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father

Here's the full story (long and detailed!) of how Trump's claims of success through shrewd business dealings are largely the result of his father's help and a LOT of shady/illegal tax evasion:

We're Running Thousands of Midterm Simulations Until Election Day. Here's How Often Each Party Wins

If these simulations are accurate, then the odds of flipping the Senate aren't up for grabs. In fact, they look pretty bleak:

At least the House looks good.

Don’t Believe the Hype About Trump’s Trade Deal with Canada and Mexico

Trump hated NAFTA because...something, he essentially just renamed it:

More Than 500 Law Professors Condemn Kavanaugh For ‘Lack Of Judicial Temperament’

How many condemnations will it take to sink his SCOTUS nomination?

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Lindsey Graham’s Old Comments About Merrick Garland Come Back To Haunt Him

Because there's just not enough Republican hypocrisy going on right now:

How To Be A Good Judge: Keep Emotions ‘In Check,’ ‘Don’t Be A Jerk’

"To be a good judge and a good umpire, it’s important to have the proper demeanor. Really important, I think. ... To keep our emotions in check. To be calm amidst the storm. On the bench, to put it in the vernacular, don’t be a jerk. I think that’s important. To be a good umpire and a good judge, don’t be a jerk. ... There’s a danger of arrogance, as for umpires, for referees, but also for judges. And I would say that danger grows the more time you’re on the bench. As one of my colleagues puts it, you become more like yourself—and that can be a problem."

Wise words...from Brett Kavanaugh in 2015:

Friday, September 28, 2018

One of the main reasons why Kavanaugh should not be on the SCOTUS

I would like to add that he claimed in a Fox News interview that he never got very drunk, but admitted during the Senate hearing that he did, plus there is plenty of other evidence that he did indeed drink to excess. Kavanaugh wasn't under oath during the interview...but we're talking about a prospective justice for the Supreme Court. That he would publicly lie at all shouldn't be acceptable, right?

Monday, September 10, 2018

California aims to get all electricity from clean sources by 2045

This is how it needs to be done!

Outdated Evolution: Updating Our Governments to Cope with Disruptive Technology

Just this part stood out to me:

"A study found that 59 percent of US presidents, 68 percent of vice presidents, and 78 percent of secretaries of state were lawyers by education and occupation. That’s more than one out of every two people in the most powerful positions in the American government restricted to a field dedicated to convincing other people (judges) their perspective is true, even if they lack evidence.
And so the scientific method became less important than semantics to our leaders. Similarly, of the 535 individuals in the American congress, only 24 hold a PhD, only 2 of which are in a STEM field. And so far, it’s not getting better: Trump is the first president since WWII not to name a science advisor."

Lawyers defend the position they're given, not what is right. Is the solution to ban lawyers from top government positions?

From San Diego to Oceanside, thousands call for action on climate change in marches

We need more action like this:

10 reasons why Finland's education system is the best in the world

Why isn't it standard to learn from countries that are doing things right?

Monday, September 3, 2018

Friday, August 24, 2018

Chris Cuomo Tells Off Kellyanne Conway Over Trump’s Lies: ‘Go To Fox For That’

If you can stomach Conway's constant deflections, deceptions and outright lies, the video is an amazing lesson in propaganda:

Chris does a great job not letting her get away with any of it (although spelling out the timeline and the actual words spoken in each piece of evidence would have made his point clearer).

Fox News’ Neil Cavuto Shreds Donald Trump: ‘The Problem Is You’

VERY nice to see Fox News turning against its god:

White House blocks bill that would protect elections

More "aid and comfort" to our enemies:

The Fictional World In Trump’s Head Is About To Crash Headlong Into The Real World

The lying check may soon be cashed:

Friday, August 17, 2018

Senate takes shot at Trump, passes resolution affirming 'press is not the enemy of the people'

Good, a slap in the face to Trump:

Satanic Temple’s Baphomet Raises Hell Over Religious Freedom In Arkansas

Now THIS is how to deal with all the "religious freedom" laws Christians keep passing. Show them the hypocrisy of their claims. My only real concern is that admitting they don't believe in Satan could be used to claim Satanism isn't a religion and thus not deserving of religious liberty protections:

This Top-10 Medical School Is Now Offering Free Tuition to All Students

This should be standard everywhere, since education is the cornerstone of a nation's success:

Why Recycling Doesn't Work

This is disappointing...but not surprising:

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Friday, August 3, 2018

President Trump has made 4,229 false or misleading claims in 558 days

Just in case you haven't kept up:

Koch-backed study finds ‘Medicare for All’ would save U.S. trillions


AWKWARD! Watch Sean Hannity Keep Getting Corrected By Shep Smith In New Supercut

More examples of how Shep Smith is the lone voice of reason at FoxNews (watch the video):

How a mock convention is helping fuel a movement to change the Constitution

Apparently it's not inconceivable that the Constitution could be rewritten:

Why it's not unreasonable to think that Putin has deliberately compromised Trump

President Trump's Case for Weakening Fuel Standards Rests on a Huge, Risky Assumption

The assumption is that fuel prices will remain low. Of course climate change isn't part of the Trump administration's consideration:

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

What would the US look like if liberals were allowed to enact all of their policies without opposition?

An interesting perspective taking account real US limitations:

Twitter Rains Hell On Jeff Sessions’ New Religious Liberty Task Force

This is why we need Satanists. Not that anyone should believe in Satan, but because they are the perfect way to show the folly of political Christians who try to defend "religious freedom" (i.e., bigotry):

Why Some Republicans are Rethinking Climate Change

Glad to see there is SOME sanity creeping into the GOP:

Are there disturbing parallels between the US under Trump and Germany of the 1930s?

Fortunately, there are many significant differences:

Mike Pence, Holy Terror

Mike Pence could be a LOT worse than Trump:

Hannity reveals more hypocrisy

Hannity is SUCH a tool:

Friday, July 20, 2018

Steve King Is A White Supremacist, And The GOP Doesn’t Care

I knew he was an asshole, but not a white supremacist:

Donald Trump Is Not Homosexual, But He Is Definitely Homosocial

It helps explain Trump's misogyny:

The Thucydides trap: What America gets wrong about China

A different and interesting perspective on US-China rivalry:

Russiagate Is Far Wider Than Trump and His Inner Circle


How to Tell If You Are Running a Money Laundry

1. Despite your multiple bankruptcies, shady foreign investors with ties to the Russian mob happily bankroll your projects. 

2. Your investment portfolio consists largely of golf courses, a dying business so terrible Nike took a huge write-off to get out. 

3. Your golf courses report huge losses year after year, but you keep buying more of them. 

4. You sell hideous, overpriced apartments -- to foreigners. When asked about your customers, you brag to a real estate publication that "The Russian market is attracted to me."

5. Asked who bankrolls your projects without banks, your son blurts out "Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. . . . We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia."

6. You license your name to developers in money laundering capitals like Panama and they get caught ... money laundering.

7. The one bank that still does business with you paid a billion dollars in fines for ... money laundering. 

8. You buy a rundown estate in Florida for $40 million in 2004 and, without improvements, you sell it to a Russian oligarch for $95 million four years later, during the market crash.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Friday, July 6, 2018

A group of Christians attended a pride parade to apologize for how they've treated the LGBT community

As a reminder from my 2007 video titled The Conservative Challenge (, the idea is that liberals/progressives keep losing the battles before winning the war. Gay marriage went from a whole bunch of laws prohibiting it to rapid legalization in many states, driven by the gradual but seemingly inevitable shift in society's values toward the more liberal position. And with it, even conservatives have come to adopt the liberal values. Now some are starting to apologize for their treatment of LGBTQ people:

Donald Trump Flirting With Fascism

More evidence:

Trump’s Impulsive Foreign Policy Moves Are Starting to Backfire. He’s Not Taking It Well.

Given all the evidence for Trump's incompetence, I can't decide whether his supporters are ignorant, stupid or evil:

Fintan O’Toole: Trial runs for fascism are in full flow

Unfortunately, this is entirely, depressingly plausible:

Scott Pruitt’s Replacement Is Even Worse

Out of the frying pan and into the fire?

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

What Makes People Distrust Science? Surprisingly, Not Politics

But religion, yes:

Evangelicals and the Whitewashing of Jesus

Why conservative Christians are so racist, despite what they believe Jesus taught:

Mitch McConnell Reaps The Benefits Of His Stolen Supreme Court Seat

First this:

And now Justice Kennedy is leaving the Supreme Court BEFORE the Democrats have a chance to take back Congress:

Why Obama didn't fight tooth and nail for his right to fill Scalia's seat, I don't know. But it was a tragedy that could be a disaster for this country for a generation or more.

Steve Schmidt Helped Run Republican Campaigns for Years. Here's Why He Quit the GOP

Glad to see at least SOME Republicans aren't pure evil:

Forget Civility – Intolerance Should Not Be Tolerated

A good point here:

Friday, June 22, 2018

Inside The Trump-Backed Campaign To Push Angela Merkel Out Of Power

And then Trump tries to interfere with the governments of our allies for personal political gain:

Trump Is Trying to Dismantle the World Order. Is NATO Next on His List?

It's like Trump is out to destroy everything of value the US has built:

The US withdrawal from the UNHRC is a gift to Xi Jinping and China

Trump rages against China, then kisses their leader's ass and makes it easier for China to dominate the region. Moron:

Why won’t the mainstream media tell the truth about racist ghoul Stephen Miller?

The complaint about the mainstream media isn't necessary, but the article does have some useful information on Stephen Miller:

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Stephanie Kelton Has The Biggest Idea In Washington

Very interesting solution that could appeal to both conservatives and liberals (though mostly liberals), since it could fund all their agendas...if it actually works:

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

If the media actually told the 'good news' about Trump, it would still be pretty bad news

A lot of good arguments for why Trump's best news isn't really all that great:
Arguments for why even Trump's best news isn't really all that great:

The 'Strongmen Era' Is Here. Here’s What It Means for You

This is pretty depressing, but unfortunately rings true:

Trump Orders Help For Chinese Phone-Maker After China Approves Money For Trump Project

How much more pay-for-play will there be before somebody stops the fat bastard?

Trump Kills NASA Carbon Monitoring Program as CO2 Levels Soar Past 'Troubling' 410 ppm Threshold

The ostrich head in the sand philosophy:

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

'The Americans Cannot Be Trusted.' How Iran Is Reacting to Trump's Decision to Quit Nuclear Deal

Unless Trump backs down, this surely won't end well:

Ohio Voters Pass Gerrymandering Reform Measure

I'm hoping this gains traction around the whole country:

The Incredible Fragility of Young Earth Creationist Evangelicalism

A very interesting perspective: by hitching YEC to the validity of Christianity, creationists set themselves up for failure:

Snowflake Scott Pruitt spent $3 million on security over three threats—and they were ridiculous

Yet more reason to despise Pruitt:

Trump's Approval Rating Makes Me Hopeful For Our Country: Tuesday's Good News

A longish article, but filled with encouraging signs for those not enamored with Trump or the GOP:

Are right-wing evangelicals causing the rise in religious 'nones'?

Music to my ears: