Thursday, October 4, 2018

Are you willing to make some calls to at least TRY to stop Kavanaugh's appointment?

While there's little chance of sinking Kavanaugh's nomination to the SCOTUS, we have to do whatever we can or the blame is partially on us. So please call the senators below and voice your opposition to Kavanaugh getting a lifetime appointment as a Supreme Court justice, in particular his belligerent conduct in the hearings instead of showing coolness under fire, his many small lies that should be disqualifying for any Supreme Court justice, and the allegations from classmates about his abusive behavior towards women and his uncontrollable temper and aggressiveness.

Senator Lisa Murkowski

Senator Susan Collins
(202) 224-2523 

Senator Jeff Flake

U.S. Senator Cory Gardner
(202) 224-5941 

U.S. Senator Joe Manchin

Ben Sasse

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