Friday, July 20, 2018

How to Tell If You Are Running a Money Laundry

1. Despite your multiple bankruptcies, shady foreign investors with ties to the Russian mob happily bankroll your projects. 

2. Your investment portfolio consists largely of golf courses, a dying business so terrible Nike took a huge write-off to get out. 

3. Your golf courses report huge losses year after year, but you keep buying more of them. 

4. You sell hideous, overpriced apartments -- to foreigners. When asked about your customers, you brag to a real estate publication that "The Russian market is attracted to me."

5. Asked who bankrolls your projects without banks, your son blurts out "Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. . . . We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia."

6. You license your name to developers in money laundering capitals like Panama and they get caught ... money laundering.

7. The one bank that still does business with you paid a billion dollars in fines for ... money laundering. 

8. You buy a rundown estate in Florida for $40 million in 2004 and, without improvements, you sell it to a Russian oligarch for $95 million four years later, during the market crash.

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