Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Dark Brandon flips the script on Trump

Well, it didn't take long to realize that Biden stepping down and Harris running for the presidency was actually a brilliant piece of Dark Brandon jujitsu. And then this guy summarizes the brilliant move in this post:

I just hope Biden releases a video of himself saying something like, "Oh my, I had no idea my stepping down would cause such a mess for Trump's whole campaign. I'm so sorry to hear that." Then he slips on his Dark Brandon aviator glasses with the laser eyes and slowly smiles at the camera.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Why Kamala Harris’ Biggest Fans Aren’t Joining Calls For Her To Replace Biden

With calls for Biden to step down, that would make Harris the heir apparent--and there would be real risk to Democrats saying "not your turn" to a black/Indian woman. And yet, a lot of her supporters are quiet, and this may explain why:

Monday, July 15, 2024

Sunday, July 14, 2024


The shooter did donate $15 once to a grassroots Democratic group a few years ago. So things are muddied: 

Shooter at Trump Rally IDENTIFIED

I’m relieved the shooter was evidently a right-wing registered Republican, so this shouldn’t be blamed on Biden:

Saturday, July 13, 2024

The Horrific Main Points of Project 2025

The horrific main points of Project 2025:

Project 2025


End no fault divorce

Complete ban on abortions without exceptions, pg 449-503

Ban contraceptives, pg 449

Additional tax breaks for corporations and the 1%, pg 691

Higher taxes for the working class

Elimination of unions and worker protections, pg 581

Raise the retirement age

Cut Social Security, pg 691

Cut Medicare, pg 449

End the Affordable Care Act, pg 449

Raise prescription drug prices

Eliminate the Department of Education, pg 319

Use public, taxpayer money for private religious schools, pg 319

Teach Christian religious beliefs in public schools, pg 319

End free and discounted school lunch programs

End civil rights & DEI protections in government, pg 545-581

Ban African American and gender studies in all levels of education, pg 319

Ban books and curriculum about slavery

Ending climate protections, pg 417

Increase Arctic drilling, pg 363

Deregulate big business and the oil industry, pg 363

Promote and expedite capital punishment

End marriage equality, pg 545-581

Condemn single mothers while promoting only "traditional families"

Defund the FBI and Homeland Security, pg 133

Use the military to break up domestic protests, pg 133

Mass deportation of immigrants and incarceration in "camps," pg 133

End birth right citizenship, pg 133

Ban Muslims from entering the country inferred from speeches

Eliminates federal agencies like the FDA, EPA, NOAA and more, pg 363-417

Continue to pack the Supreme Court, and lower courts with right-wing judges, literally happening rIght now

Trump is directly linked with Project 2025

Trump’s administration was tightly knit with the Heritage Foundation, 140 members of his former administration were involved in developing the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025, and the Republican Party has worked with the Heritage Foundation since the Reagan Administration. But sure, when Trump says he knows nothing about Project 2025, we should believe him:

And even more evidence:

Monday, July 1, 2024

To serve his country, Donald Trump should leave the race | Editorial

This is an excellent summary of the egregious behavior of Trump and a reminder of the effectiveness of Biden. In the wake of the recent supreme court ruling debacle, people need to be reminded of this: