Wednesday, January 19, 2022

The next US civil war is already here – we just refuse to see it

Deeply sobering if true:


  1. November 9,1864 chicago Conspiracy Camp Douglas Civil War Camp.Fayette County 15 to 20 people arrested.Thomas J Prater said Meeting held near Ramsey illinois(schoolhouse) John Lorenz Meyer (Myer) said He came with Prater He lived 11 places near Ramsey/Bingham Fayette Co & Christian Co Taylorville & chicago conspiracy its meetings secret society Golden Circle. Other Names included: Thomas J Prater,Thomas J Sears, John L Meyer (Myer),George Beale, Easton Casey,Jas Sharp, J. Robinson (all fayette co) and James - Evan -Josesph Baker ShelbyCo.These Copperheads want Democrats to win and release confederate prisoners camp douglas.So were all apart of Clingman Band Gang? Rebel officer Thomas CLingman or Quantrill Guerrillas?got learn from 1861-1865 civil war?

    In 1865, one of those pistol-fightstook place between Thos. M. McClanahan, an ex-lieutenant of the army, and
    Thos.Sears, who was a member of the ‘Klingman Gang,”and a terror to the
    whole country. Thompson Culbertson, a friend of Sears, while looking at the
    fight, received a pistol-shot in the neck, from which he afterwards died.
    McClanahan was tried for the killing, but acquitted. The general
    impressionprevailed that McClanahan did not intend to shoot Culbertson. Sears was
    badly wounded in the fight, and after recovery left the country, and is
    supposed to have settled in Missouri. McClanahan also finally left for
    parts unknown.”Thos. M. McClanahan was an ex-lieutenant for the Union Arm. He was in
    the 87th Illinois Infantry Fayette County Soldiers.Camp Douglas – “Chicago Conspiracy”
    1 November 1864 – Prison Camp During the Civil War. Tom Sears was in Prison from
    around Nov. 1864 to the end of the war.ThomasCamp Douglas – “Chicago Conspiracy” In November, 1864, a plan, known
    as the “Chicago Conspiracy”, was devised by Southern sympathizers to
    free the prisoners at Camp Douglas and furnish them arms. Then, by a
    sudden stroke, they were to free the men in the other camps, which
    would create a Confederate army of about 25,000 veteran soldiers.
    Chicago was to be captured, and a swift attack was to be made on the
    rear of the Union armies which were then operating in the South. Two
    factors led to the defeat of this plan. Colonel Benjamin J. Sweet,
    commandant at the camp, with only 900 troops to guard 8,000 prisoners,
    received warning that a plot was afoot and wired for reinforcements. At
    the same time, the plotters themselves realized that simply setting the
    prisoners free would not make an army of them. The Confederates would
    need to be organized and some program agreed upon or the result would
    be an unruly mob. This realization created a fatal delay, for another
    regiment was quickly added to the guard and the increased vigilance
    destroyed all hope of a successful break.November 8.
    According to the confessions of rebel officers and others, the design
    was : ” To attack Camp Douglas, to release the prisoners there,
    with them to seize the polls, allowing none but the Copperhead ticket
    to be voted, and stuff the boxes sufficiently to secure the city, county and
    State for McClellan and Pendleton;Thomas J Sears – In Court
    April 1865 – ChicagoTHOMAS J. SEARS, a witness for the government, was introduced, and,
    being duly sworn by the judge advocate, testified as follows:
    By the Judge Advocate:Q. State your name and residence.
    A. Thomas J. Sears; I reside in Fayette county, Illinois.
    Q. State whether or not you were a member of Clingman’s band at the
    time of its organization.A. No, sir.
    Q. Did you ever drill or serve under Clingman?A. No, sir.
    Q. Did you ever belong to the same company?A. No, sir.
    Q. Were you not under arrest at the time, and when were you arrested?
    A. Yes, sir; I was arrested in Chicago on the 7th of November, the day
    before the election.
    Q. How many more were arrested at the same time?
    A. I think some fifteen or twenty were arrested at the same place.
