Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Two visions for the climate in 2050

Two architects of the Paris Agreement are presenting a pair of possible scenarios for the Earth's climate in 2050 — one in which we've met the carbon reduction targets laid out in the agreement, and one in which we've failed.
  • The authors argue we have a decade left to pick which path the planet will take: catastrophe or hope.
Background: Former UN climate chief Christiana Figueres and climate diplomat Tom Rivett-Carnac were instrumental in guiding the Paris climate accord, which committed countries to reducing carbon emissions sufficiently to keep global temperature rise below at least 2° C by 2100.
What's new: In their book published yesterday, "The Future We Choose: Surviving the Climate Crisis," the pair sketch out what the climate could look like by mid-century, depending on whether we meet the Paris goals.
  • If we succeed, they foresee a world where forests cover half the land surface, air pollution has disappeared and fossil fuels have been eliminated.
  • If we fail, warming will be on a pace for a 3°C increase by 2050, the air will become unbreathable and the very future of human civilization will be in doubt.
What they're saying: "If we continue where we are now, we are going to be irreparably going down a course of constant destruction," Figueres told The Guardian. Altering that path will require sharp technological and political change, especially in the United States.
The bottom line: The choices made in 2020 will help decide the climate in 2050.

Oil and gas giants Shell and Total get serious about solar

A good sign, seeing the massive funding available to oil companies put toward alternative energies:

Quadrupling turbines, US can meet 2030 wind-energy goals

This is encouraging:

Robert Reich: 5 Ways William Barr is Turning America Into a Dictatorship

He always details things well:

Reports of Huge Reductions in This Potent Greenhouse Gas Are Wrong – Emissions Are Soaring

Ugh. Getting a handle on climate change isn't going to be easy with players like this:

"Scientists are concerned, because HFC-23 is a very potent greenhouse gas, with one ton of its emissions being equivalent to the release of more than 12,000 tons of carbon dioxide."

Friday, February 14, 2020

A Group of Big Businesses is Backing a Carbon Tax. Could It Be a Solution to Climate Change?

Not alone, but it's a start:

The Big Roadblock For Bernie Sanders’ Agenda

As I see it, Bernie's biggest liabilities are that he's really old and he has embraced the mantle of democratic socialist when he is actually a social democrat (there is a big difference, not to mention that only 47% of Americans say they would vote for a socialist: This is another:

Monday, February 10, 2020

Democratic Presidents Manage the Economy Better Than Republicans

Data to use against Republicans who think they are good for the economy:

Fox News Internal Report: Their Own Guests Spread “Disinformation”

This is a serious admission. Will it lead to any journalistic integrity?:

Wildlife Markets Are Ticking Time Bombs For Epidemics Like Coronavirus

If this leads to a ban on wild animal markets, it may be worth it:

The Trump Recession. It's already happening.

The truth is, we need a recession to have a good chance of deposing Trump. However, the economy appears to be doing well...but perhaps not:

Trump’s Acquittal Shows The GOP Senate Acts Like A Cult

No surprise there:

Monday, February 3, 2020

Climate Models Are Running Red Hot, and Scientists Don’t Know Why

Over 5 degree C increase in several models? Damn, this is scary:

Bernie Sanders outpaces every candidate—including Trump—in donations from active-duty troops

This is extremely unexpected to say the least!

"Harp reports that Sanders tops the list with $185,625 in active-duty U.S. military donations. This is more than twice the amount the next top Democratic candidate has received (Pete Buttigieg at $80,250), but most surprisingly, it is considerably more than the $113,012 pulled in by the Trump reelection campaign."

I'm a Pastor Who Ran for Congress as a Republican. Here's Why I'm Encouraging My Fellow Evangelicals Not to Vote for Donald Trump

Another attack on Trump by an evangelical. Good!

Boom of Vegetation, Fueled by Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Absorbs Carbon and Cools Our Planet

More evidence of climate change, although this one has a (rare) positive outcome: