Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Donald Trump’s Week Of Chaos Met With Talk Of His Removal

I think this is a wonderful defense (actually insult) of Trump:


“It is a child who blurts out classified information in order to impress distinguished visitors,” Douthat wrote. “It is a child who asks the head of the F.B.I. why the rules cannot be suspended for his friend and ally. It is a child who does not understand the obvious consequences of his more vindictive actions — like firing the very same man whom you had asked to potentially obstruct justice on your say-so.”

“But a child also cannot really commit ‘high crimes and misdemeanors’ in any usual meaning of the term,” he added. “There will be more talk of impeachment now, more talk of a special prosecutor for the Russia business; well and good. But ultimately I do not believe that our president sufficiently understands the nature of the office that he holds.”


In other words, be nice to Trump because he's an idiot and it's not nice to make fun of the mentally deficient. :-)

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