Saturday, April 29, 2017

There’s Tumbleweed As Keith Olbermann Lists Donald Trump’s First 100 Day Triumphs

Another classic from Olbermann:

The Media Bubble Is Worse Than You Think

"Today, 73 percent of all internet publishing jobs are concentrated in either the Boston-New York-Washington-Richmond corridor or the West Coast crescent that runs from Seattle to San Diego and on to Phoenix. The Chicagoland area, a traditional media center, captures 5 percent of the jobs, with a paltry 22 percent going to the rest of the country."

Trump Could Have Broken the Democratic Party

If Trump had a brain, he could have done MUCH more damage:

America Could Look Like North Carolina by 2020. Yikes.

Not happening, but it gives one an insight into what Republicans want and what they'll do to get it:

Friday, April 28, 2017

Video Reveals That Americans Have a Very Powerful Reaction to Universal Basic Income

This is encouraging:

Are American voters actually just stupid? A new poll suggests the answer may be “yes”

I think there has been enough of a backlash against Trump, awakening many complacent liberals, that if the election were held again today he would lose, but otherwise good points:

Dreaming Of Impeachment? Be Careful What You Wish For.

Maybe it's better if Trump runs out the full four years without impeachment. Maybe. I'd still like to see him utterly disgraced and regarded as a loser. Just desserts:

In 100 Days, Donald Trump Hasn’t Done Much Except Show Off His Signature

Good, and I hope it stays that way. Although I have to say I'm perfectly okay with the one promise Trump's managed to keep:

Donald Trump sounds like he really misses not being president

Aww, poor baby. Then quit!

After 100 Days, Donald Trump and the GOP Still Don't Get Along

Nice to see that Trump and Congress don't get along, because that limits their ability to enact their draconian policies:

Thursday, April 27, 2017

The President of the United States Has a Button That He Presses So a Butler Delivers Him a Coke

This is so Trump:

To paraphrase Trevor Noah, it's like an eight-year-old's dream for the Oval Office: "I want a button that makes someone bring me a Coke whenever I want, and I want a slide into a huge ball pit, and I want Bigfoot to sleep over and teach me karate!"

Kim Jong Un Is a Survivor, Not a Madman

An interesting perspective on N. Korea's leader, for those who may be interested:

Republicans exempt their own insurance from their latest health care proposal

The "screw you, I got mine" clause of the new healthcare bill:

Obama’s $400,000 Wall Street Speech Is Completely In Character

How Obama sold out to Wall Street:

He's still far better than Trump in almost every way.

Why does everyone call Donald Trump dumb?

I thought this was a particularly good response to the question in the title:

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Thursday, April 20, 2017

A Coal Museum In Kentucky Went Solar This Month. The Backstory Is Even Better.

Apparently Arby's employs more people than does the entire coal industry. Trump's attempts to return us back to the coal standard is doomed to failure for so many reasons:

Donald Trump’s Rise Laid The Groundwork For Bill O’Reilly’s Fall

Here's another thing to be thankful to Trump for:

Sometimes you have to take a step backward in order to take two steps forward....

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

7 reasons why today’s left should be optimistic

While I'm not impressed with saying "the left should be optimistic because optimism energizes people and wins elections" under the title of this article, and the claim "Continuing technological advance is unlikely to produce a future of no jobs. It will lead instead to a future of different and more highly skilled jobs" is naive because it doesn't take into account how automation of jobs that require intelligence will leave few to no "highly skilled jobs" for humans to take on, the rest of the article is pretty good:

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Republicans launch their crusade for elder poverty with repeal of automatic retirement accounts

The Republican plans for the future of old people are downright cruel:

Nobel Scientist: When Did We Start to Value Killing Over Living?

Yet another exposure of the hypocrisy of the "pro-life" conservatives:

Nasty, brutish, and short—what the next Korean War will look like

An interesting perspective on what war with North Korea would look like:

The San Bernardino Shooter’s Christianity Revealed A Huge Double Standard

Few mention that the shooter was a Christian...but you know what would have happened if he had been Muslim:

Thursday, April 13, 2017

The Republican civil war is the best thing happening


San Bernardino Shooter Was A Christian Pastor

Pull this out the next time someone mentions the religion of some nutcase shooter:

The thing is, both Muslim and Christian holy books advocate all sorts of atrocities, so religion could be a factor and should be considered in ANY atrocity.

Scientists Announce That The Great Barrier Reef is Officially “Terminal”

My family spent a wonderful vacation on the Great Barrier Reef when I was a wee bairn. As bad as it is to see it go, it's the climate change deniers who actively work against environmental efforts that really make me sick:

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Trump Adds Insult To Injury In Syria

It appears that Trump's attack on Syria failed all three of the requirements for legally attacking another how about some prosecution up in this bitch?

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Although Tough on Trump, McClintock Faces Backlash at Another Town Hall

Judith and I attended a town hall meeting with our representative, Tom McClintock, Republican. The local media filmed the event:

You can spot us in portions of the video.

There's a Fundamental Lie That All Politics Is Based On

From the perspective that most Trump voters were voting "fuck you," rather than on issues, character or anything else rational:

Sean Spicer: Kindergarten Press Secretary: The Daily Show

Perfect Daily Show abuse! :-)