Friday, January 25, 2013

The GOP Losing to Liberalism

"In 1958, just four percent of those polled by Gallup were in favor of allowing blacks and whites to marry each other. That figure now is 86 percent."

"Gay marriage support has surged so quickly, and across the board, that only an aging cohort of Republicans is still against it. Among young people, those 18 to 29, it’s no contest: 73 percent favor it, according to Gallup last November."

"53 percent of G.O.P. members now favor the “liberal” solution — amnesty! [for illegal aliens] — up an astonishing 22 points in just two years."

"About 9 in 10 Americans favor criminal background checks for gun buyers, which is the one idea that seems most likely to pass, despite opposition from leading Republicans."

I'm wondering who are that missing 14% who still think it's wrong to allow blacks and whites to marry...but the statistics show just how radically social policies are changing while the Republicans are mired in the past. 

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