Monday, August 17, 2020

Former Chief of Staff of Trump's DHS is the newest Republican Voter Against Trump

 Another brilliant example showing how incompetent Trump really is, from an insider:

Climate Scientists Sound the Alarm: Warming Greenland Ice Sheet Passes Point of No Return

 The evidence keeps coming in...

US intelligence indicates Iran paid bounties to Taliban for targeting American troops in Afghanistan

MORE bounties on the heads of American soldiers, this time from Iran. NOW will Trump do something about it?

Trump To Withdraw Nomination Of Anti-Environmentalist As Public Lands Director

 We just need to stave them off long enough to turn Trump out of office (I hope):

'Burn it to the ground' former Republican says of the racist GOP

 Of course I agree. I love it when "good" Republican politicians and VIPs call out Trump and his minions:

Thursday, August 13, 2020

President Trump Says He Wants to Block Post Office Funding to Stop Mail Voting

 Trump again says the quiet part out loud:

And mail sorting machines are being removed from post offices!

But this may very likely not help Republicans or Trump at all, since many of their base are old and can't stand in line for hours, unlike motivated younger Democrats. And many Republicans want to have mail-in voting.