Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Friday, December 20, 2019

Why One Conservative Texas City Went 100% Renewable

Republicans can learn! You just need to phrase progressive causes in conservative terms:

Fox News Legal Analyst: I ‘Certainly Would’ Vote To Impeach Donald Trump

Since Napolitano is a respected former judge on Fox News, I hope his position impacts more than a few Trump supporters:


I'm a forensic psychiatrist at Yale. I took a look at Trump's letter to Nancy Pelosi — and it left me very worried

More reasons why Trump is psychologically unfit to be president:

Trump Is Benefiting From The Network Roger Ailes Couldn’t Invent In Time For Nixon

Unfortunately, Trump has the support of Fox News. Free speech is well and good, but propaganda should be illegal:


We Are Republicans, and We Want Trump Defeated

And here's another group of Republicans who don't think Trump is fit for duty:


Trump Should Be Removed from Office

Evangelicals turning on Trump. This could be--should be--the crack in his support:


Monday, December 16, 2019

The Generals Tried to Keep Trump in Check. What Happens to Foreign Policy Now That They've Left?

The view of Trump's incompetence from the perspective of the generals:


Methane ‘super emitters’ releasing massive plumes after Trump rolled back environmental regulations

Fucking insanity. Utterly criminal:


Disappointment as Marathon U.N. Climate Talks End With a Slim Compromise

More depressing news:


What Are High Crimes and Misdemeanors? Here’s the History

This is important to know:

"Only 19 people have been impeached in the U.S. since 1788: Two Presidents, one Senator, one Secretary of War and 15 federal judges. “These tend to be things about a violation of public trust, acting for personal gain and obstructing the process of impeachment itself,” explains Tom Ginsburg."


Trump Has Already Lost His Pricey China Trade War, Paul Krugman Warns


Focus group's Obama/Trump voters are now Trump voters

This is alarming and depressing:


Is America the Greatest Country in the World? A Rant.

The problem with proclaiming yourself the best is that there's nowhere to go but down:


Is Trump Immune From Investigation? The Supreme Court Will Soon Decide.

This is some serious and seriously scary shit:


Friday, December 13, 2019

Greenland’s Ice Sheet Is Melting at Rate That Surpasses Scientists' Expectations, Study Shows

"In the 90s, Greenland lost an average of 25 billions of ice per year. That number has picked up to an annual average loss of 234 billion tons per year."

Holy crap....


This Isn’t What Progressives Wanted From Impeachment

Yeah, I'm disappointed. I really think Trump should have been written up for ALL his crimes:

Experts stunned as Mitch McConnell brags he’s handing control of impeachment trial to Trump

WTF. Talk about abdicating one's responsibility:


Trump’s children must undergo mandatory training to learn how to avoid defrauding charities

Oh sweet:


Monday, December 9, 2019

Trump’s Approval Rating Collapses In Red State Kansas



Trump Slammed For Insisting ‘Killer’ Real Estate Jews Will Back Him To Save Their Wealth

He just can't help himself:


'We do not reach this conclusion lightly': 500 law professors say Trump's actions are impeachable

This should be clear to everyone:


Court refuses to block North Carolina GOP's new House gerrymander in a setback for fair elections

How is gerrymandering even at all legal?


Plants 'Scream' in the Face of Stress

Clearly vegans and vegetarians are sick bastards:


Monday, December 2, 2019

Ohio Bill Suggests Doctors Who Perform Abortions Could Face Jail, Unless They Perform a Non-Existent Treatment

And even more conservative nonsense:


PA House Passes Bill That May Require Death Certificates for Fertilized Eggs

More conservative insanity:


Clean energy isn't enough for climate

Because fossil fuels are still growing in demand:


Donald Trump was bailed out of bankruptcy by Russia crime bosses

If so, then yikes. We're talking treason here:


Scientists Warn: Nine Climate Tipping Points Now ‘Active’ – Could Threaten the Existence of Human Civilization

The drum beats just get louder:
