Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Psychiatrist Lance Dodes on the "panicked" state of the "most dangerous person on the planet"

A good psychological evaluation of the sociopathic toddler in chief:

MASH-UP: Trump’s al-Baghdadi Speech & Obama’s Bin Laden Speech

Compare the eloquence of Obama vs. Trump:

Global risks 2035 update: Decline or new renaissance?

A long but thoughtful analysis of how the future may play out:

President Trump has made 13,435 false or misleading claims over 993 days

An analysis of the Trump lies database:

In 993 days, President Trump has made 13,435 false or misleading claims

This is a good filterable list of Trump's lies and misinformation:

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Victory over the worst gerrymander in modern history: Court blocks North Carolina GOP's House map

It's a relief that the Republicans aren't being allowed to get away with this:

Baghdadi raid succeeded ‘in spite of,' not thanks to, Donald Trump’s actions

Is there really any doubt?

New Daily Kos/Civiqs poll finds Pence losing to Democrats, Americans feeling less safe under Trump

Good. We don't want to jump out of the frying pan and into the fire:

Putin's longterm aim: reverse America's Cold War win

Very plausible:

Cyber memo warns of new risks to White House network

Isn't deliberately ignoring intelligence and making the country vulnerable to attacks regarded as treason?

Friday, October 25, 2019

Friday, October 18, 2019

Share of Americans with no religious affiliation growing

Christians have dropped from 77% of the US population in 2009 to just 65% in ten years, while the number of self-described atheists has doubled from 2% to 4% (although almost all self-described agnostics--which went from 3% to 5%--are actually atheists, since the term agnostic is misunderstood by most people). I'll take some (very) small credit for that!

GOP Group Uses Trump’s Own Words On Corruption Against Him In Searing Fox News Ad

More schadenfreude watching Republicans turning on Trump:

Microplastics in the soil point to another potential ecosystem collapse

Another serious problem with microplastics:

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Why America’s Christian foundation is a myth

For those who think the US was founded as a Christian nation:

Congress Should Remove Trump from Office, But Let Him Run Again in 2020

I get the logic but I don't like it. If Trump is kicked out of office, that should be a permanent disgrace and serve as a warning to future presidents. And there should be the opportunity to prosecute him for his other crimes:

This September Hit the Record for the Hottest Ever — and 2019 Is Shaping Up to Be the Second Hottest Year

This speaks for itself:

Trump "pro-life" evangelicals are now fiercely defending the murder of actual babies

The wonders of Evangelical hypocrisy:

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Trump Admin Moves To Greenlight Logging In America’s Largest National Forest

More short-sighted, stupid destruction:

Why Evangelical Christian Leaders Care So Deeply About Trump Abandoning The Kurds

If a sizable chunk of Evangelicals split from Don the Con, even if they just end up not voting at all, that would be terrific:

Trump in a landslide? This historically accurate model predicts exactly that

Oh please no! But at least this assumes we still have a strong economy when the elections roll around, that there aren't any further scandals, and that Drumpf isn't already impeached:

Basic Income Recipients Spent the Money on “Literal Necessities”

Encouraging support for a UBI:

Friday, October 11, 2019

Trump accused of 26 new cases of ‘unwanted sexual contact’

Not the old ones. These are NEW sexual assault allegations:

‘RIP GOP’: Polling expert predicts 2020 electoral wipeout will devastate Trump — and the Republican party

But this is encouraging:

Military expert warns support for Trump in the US armed forces is ‘downright cult-like’ — and creating frightening divisions within the ranks

This is fucking scary:

Here's why California is experiencing massive power outages and why that should concern us all

Basically PG&E sucks. I'm SO glad I have solar and a battery system:

Scientists Thought It Took Thousands of Years for Plastic to Decompose – It May Only Be Decades

Well, at least this is encouraging:

Russian Operative Said ‘We Made America Great’ After Trump’s Win

Of course they celebrated. Yet Trump continues to deny Russian involvement because he feels it de-legitimizes his presidency. For once, he's right:

Trump Escalates Attacks On Fox News After Impeachment Poll

I have to repeat that I LOVE it when Faux News and President Lardbucket fall out:

Revealed: the 20 firms behind a third of all carbon emissions

And just 12 companies are responsible for 20% of the world's emissions:

Trump boasts the economy is the best it's ever been. Here are 9 charts showing how it's fared compared to the Obama and Bush presidencies.

For all Trump's boasting about the economy, it's mostly just a continuation of the trends Obama handed him: