Monday, September 16, 2019

The Trump voters who 'just want to watch the world burn' (and all of us along with it)

This is why we'll never reach that small core of hateful Trump supporters:

New Poll Shows Majority of Americans Disapprove of President Trump's Climate Change Views

This is encouraging:

Russia Carried Out A ‘Stunning’ Breach Of FBI Communications System, Escalating The Spy Game On U.S. Soil

A long and detailed story of what we're up against:

Good candidates learn from their mistakes and get better—as Elizabeth Warren has demonstrated

Warren is my favorite so far:

Saturday, September 14, 2019

The U.S.'s handicap in the AI talent race

Trump is right to identify A.I. as critical for development, but per usual he's doing it all wrong:

Air Force says it sent crews to Trump’s Scottish resort up to 40 times

But of course:

Trump finally agrees to release military aid to Ukraine after apparent blackmail effort fails

Trump's strategy to avoid impeachment must be to overwhelm the system with his crimes:

EPA removes the Clean Water Rule, creating chaos for water regulations—and paradise for polluters

Trump's actions are beyond criminal:

Why Is the Amazon Rain Forest Disappearing?

This is deeply depressing and distressing, but important to know:

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Study Finds Political Conservatives Make the Best Investors

Finally, something good about conservatives! Surprisingly, their investment strategies are not what you'd expect (although I have to say I'm both a progressive and a risky investor):

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Unqualified And Ideological: A Guide To Trump’s Worst Judges

Likely Trump's most destructive legacy:

Iceland Trolls Mike Pence With Rows Of Rainbow Pride Flags

Epic trolling:

NOAA Slammed For Backing Trump Over Scientists In Dorian-Alabama Feud

Good. NOAA is a respectable organization and should never have been forced to do this:

Want to seem more authentic? Use politically incorrect language.

Right or left, people think assholes are authentic:

'He's losing his s---': Trump's advisers are increasingly worried about his mental state following days of erratic behavior


Study links lower emotional intelligence to prejudiced, right-wing views

Surprise, surprise....