Friday, April 26, 2019

Tax return bills could kick Trump off the ballot in some blue states

Nice to see the list expanding!

"As of February 20, 2017 legislators in 18 states (Arizona, California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Maryland, Minnesota, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Vermont and Virginia) have introduced bills" to require "future presidential candidates to disclose income tax returns in order to be placed on the general election ballot."

But we REALLY need some red states added to the list....

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Trump allegedly raped a 13 y.o. girl in 1994

Lest we forget:

Greenland is melting even faster than experts thought, study finds

And to be more specific about the current effects of climate change...

The Media Are Complacent While the World Burns

I keep posting these climate change articles in the hopes of contributing to the urgency in at least one small way:

Trump’s Washing Machine Tariffs Put Consumers Through Wringer: Study

What happens when you put an idiot in charge of the economy:

How do you feel about Mitch McConnell saying that we now need to cut Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid to fix the 1 trillion per year deficit created by tax cuts?

The many problems with Republican economics:

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Is the Democratic Party falling apart?

A nicely detailed reaction to the claim it is:

Church membership in U.S. plummets

"Gallup says the percentage of U.S. adults who belong to a church or other religious institution has plunged by 20 points over the past two decades, hitting a low of 50% last year."


Thursday, April 4, 2019

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Women Don't Just Face a Pay Gap at Work. They're Also Punished Far More Than Men

It's clearly not just about men being more aggressive in seeking raises and promotions:

What happens to rural and small-town Trump voters after Trump is gone?

A pretty non-partisan look into the minds and motivations of Trump voters:

Scientists Show Renewable Energies Can Save Millions of Lives

Phasing out fossil fuels would save 3 million lives annually worldwide:

Unfortunately, it comes with this:

"On the other hand, air pollution from particulate matter in the atmosphere, which reflects some of the solar radiation and cools the Earth to a certain extent, would rapidly decline. For this reason, a global phase-out of fossil fuels would even lead to a short-term global temperature increase of about 0.5 degrees Celsius."