Friday, March 29, 2019

California Already Has a Green New Deal. Here's How It Works

"Critics of a federal Green New Deal like to point to its estimated multi-trillion-dollar price tag and suggest that such a program would kill the economy. “It’s more money than you have in the world,” Trump told Fox News host Sean Hannity this week.

But California officials say their state’s success offers an obvious rebuttal: the state’s economy is larger than that of all but four countries and continues to grow alongside that of the rest of the country. In fact, they say, the savings from avoided health costs, avoided costs of climate-proofing the state and the creation of green jobs, easily outweigh the cost."

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Where you live in America determines when you’ll die

This list of life expectancy in the various US states corresponds fairly strongly with the list of red states vs. blue states. People in red states live on average about four years fewer than the people in blue states:

I thought it might be due to conservatives being on average less intelligent (and not taking care of their diets or exercising proper gun safety, etc.), but according to this site there's not much of a correlation:

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Did Trump Obstruct Justice? Here's What Former Prosecutors Think

Keep in mind all the obstruction evidence we ALREADY know:

"In considering an obstruction case, former federal prosecutors say several of Trump’s actions stand out, including allegedly asking FBI Director Jim Comey for “loyalty” during a private dinner; allegedly telling him in the Oval Office that he hoped he could let an investigation into former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn go; firing Comey; telling NBC News and the Russian ambassador that he fired him over the Russia investigation; allegedly pressuring then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions over his recusal from the investigation; allegedly dictating a misleading statement from his son, Donald Trump Jr., to the New York Times about a 2016 meeting with Russians in Trump Tower; alleged conversations between his lawyer and lawyers for Flynn and former campaign chairman Paul Manafort about pardons; alleged conversations between lawyers about a pardon for former personal attorney Michael Cohen; and many of Trump’s tweets praising or threatening various witnesses in Mueller’s investigation."

"Based upon the public information that’s available, it looks to me like there’s sufficient evidence to charge Trump with obstruction of justice."

"Granting a pardon is legal; granting a pardon in exchange for a bribe could be illegal; granting a pardon to protect your own interests could be legal but also grounds for impeachment."

GOP Senator Says Having More ‘American Babies’ Is The Solution To Climate Change

The sheer number of Republican whack-jobs should be taken as a warning that they are not the rational party:

These Ordinary Americans Discussed the Mueller Investigation. Here's Their Surprising Consensus

It's good to see moderate Republicans having issues with Trump's behavior:

The Trump Contagion

Trump does show many signs of mental instability and derangement. I'm not sure it's wise to start impeachment proceedings, but otherwise these are all good points:

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Where We Go Wrong in Comparing White Supremacy With ISIS

White nationalists get way too many breaks...probably because there are more whites in the countries where they are active:

Monday, March 25, 2019

“Nones” Are Statistically Tied for the Largest “Religious” Group in the Country

Yes! Finally. I'll take some credit for this, too. :-)

Robert Reich: The yuge Republican lie about the deficit

The U.S. Is That Awful Country That Everyone Wants to Move To

Very interesting perspective. Seems the reason more Americans don't move to countries that have their shit together better than the US is because very few Americans speak their languages, and those who would benefit most from social services (the poor) can't afford to go to the countries that have those social services in abundance:

Science: Rich People Are More Likely To Cheat And Steal Than The Poor

Which is good reason to be both more vigilant and more harsh in sentencing the rich:

Trump Is Living In An Economic Fantasy World, Says Trump’s Economics Team

When even your own team says you're living in a fantasy...

Fox News viewers are convinced: Donald Trump is the greatest president ever

This is sad, but hopefully the changes supposedly coming to Fox News will be substantial enough to change some minds:

Donald Trump Just Picked A Laughingstock For A Huge Federal Reserve Job

I've seen this tool on a few shows. He is divorced from reality:

Trump didn't 'win' after Mueller's report – He is not above the law, there are many more investigations ahead

And here's yet another Fox News article going against the Trump narrative, this one on the front page:

Maybe Faux News really is beginning to change!

Mueller did not exonerate Trump – Barr acted as judge and jury. Now Congress needs to do its job

This isn't on Fox News' front page, but it IS on Fox News (amazing!) and surely a lot of their viewers will see it:

Hopefully this will only make Trump and company's situation even worse, since it's yet another indication of a cover-up.

Fox News Hosts Tear Into Donald Trump Over John McCain Attacks

Trump supporters watch Fox News, and this could be the last straw for a lot of them:

Friday, March 22, 2019

Fox News may stop serving as a propaganda network for Trump — and Hannity is reportedly freaking out

Will wonders never cease:

Judge halts drilling plan, says Interior must consider climate change

At least there are still enough good judges out there to fuck up Trump's plans:

A Russian 'troll slayer' went undercover at a troll factory and found that hundreds of Russians were working as paid trolls in rotating shifts

This is how democracy dies....

A Wisconsin Judge Upends the GOP Power Grab and Restores the Authority of the Democratic Governor


Tax Return Release Bills Could Force Trump Off The 2020 Ballot In Some States

It would REALLY help if a few red states did this, but it would still have an impact in a few blue states:

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Elijah Cummings: White House officials using personal accounts to do official work

More Trump administration hypocrisy:

Trump Losing in Court at Unprecedented Rate

Oh, nice! Trump's administration is not doing its homework, resulting in 94% of challenges to his policies:

"Two-thirds of the cases accuse the Trump administration of violating the Administrative Procedure Act (APA), a nearly 73-year-old law that forms the primary bulwark against arbitrary rule. The normal “win rate” for the government in such cases is about 70 percent, according to analysts and studies. But as of mid-January, a database maintained by the Institute for Policy Integrity at the New York University School of Law shows Trump’s win rate at about 6 percent."

U.K. Petition Site Crashes as More Than 1 Million Demand the Government Cancels Brexit

Finally Britain may be coming to the conclusion that the Brexit was a stupid idea:

Is Donald Trump starting to drive away even his base?

Nice! Please be true and please continue:

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

If You Thought College Admission Scandal Was Bad, This Woman’s Post About Rich People Buying Her Writing Services Will Show It’s Worse

Just yikes:

Why People In Finland Are So Much Happier Than Americans

The US is in 19th place. Here are the top 10 happiest places:

New Zealand

“Most people would like a life where they can get health care if they get sick, where their children get a good education, where they can work and hopefully feel fulfilled in that work, while still being able to spend time with loved ones. It’s not that Finns are necessarily looking to become immensely rich. I think Finland just does a pretty good job of helping people achieve this lovely, ordinary life.”

White Evangelicals Are Still Loyal Trump Fans, But Small Divisions Could Be Brewing: Study

Here's to hoping the trend continues:

Not that I think fundies were ever particularly moral, but they've lost any attempt at a moral high ground after supporting Trump.

Why climate action is the antithesis of white supremacy

Makes sense to me:

What progressives should know about Trump voters

A sad but helpful perspective:

Monday, March 18, 2019

Hmmm. Imagine if Obama hadn’t been such a boy scout

This is a great way to illustrate Republican hypocrisy concerning presidential behavior:

Trump's 2020 map from hell

Some encouragement that Trump is in big trouble for the next election:

Nuclear industry pushing for fewer inspections at plants

God damn, the Trump administration is stupid-evil:

Democratic Socialism Vs Social Democracy

This should help clear some of the confusion in terms:

Robert Reich: America has already fired Trump

Let's hope he's right:

Friday, March 15, 2019

The Rapid Decline Of The Natural World Is A Crisis Even Bigger Than Climate Change

This is just painful:

Don’t Impeach Trump. Vote Against Him

I'm not sure I agree, nor do I want that orange snowflake in office that long...but it may be the only realistic option:

House unanimously passes resolution calling for Mueller report on Trump to be made public

420 to 0. That's pretty amazing. It won't get anywhere in the Senate but it may still influence:

Trump Just Suffered an Embarrassing Defeat on the Wall. This Republican Tried to Stop It

I'm glad to see Republicans finally pushing back against Trump. Maybe enough will realize the danger and override his veto:

Young environmental activists across the world skip school in a call to action

I'm glad to see this. It's their inheritance that could be lost, after all:

Good-Bye Electoral College? Popular Vote Movement Gaining Steam

I'm not optimistic, but I'd love to see this happen:

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

New alternative to Trump's wall would create jobs, renewable energy, and increase border security

This is a pretty brilliant idea that would be bipartisan and helpful to BOTH the US and Mexico:

The Power of Petty Personal Rage

"The point is that demented anger is a significant factor in modern American political life — and overwhelmingly on one side. All that talk about liberal “snowflakes” is projection; if you really want to see people driven wild by tiny perceived slights and insults, you’ll generally find them on the right."

Monday, March 4, 2019

Idaho Republicans Kill Bill That Would Have Ended Child Marriage In The State

More conservative joy:

2020's homegrown fake news crisis

As if regular fake news isn't bad enough...

The pre-impeachment, public Trump trial

The reason Democrats are working so slowly to impeach:

Debt is suddenly hot

Well, the idea is interesting:

The Green New Deal Helped Spur These Republicans to Start a 'Conservation Caucus'

As I said in my 2007 Conservative Challenge video (, conservatives eventually come around to accepting the liberal (I meant progressive) ideas (although it's always reluctantly and not far enough):