Friday, January 25, 2019

How Donald Trump Lost More Than Just the Shutdown

I hope this perspective prevails:

How is the psychology of conservatives different from that of liberals?

An interesting post from a conservative that does a pretty good job of explaining the overall differences between liberals and conservatives:

My meeting with Donald Trump: A damaged, pathetic personality — whose obvious impairment has only gotten worse

An interesting perspective from someone who's met the Tangerine Turd:

Evangelical Foster Agency Gets Federal Waiver To Reject LGBTQ Or Non-Christian Parents

Using federal funds to promote a religion rather than working in the best interest of the kids:

Trump administration quietly changes definition of "domestic violence" and "sexual assault"

Yet another reason to despise the Trump administration:

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

'A Tipping Point.' Greenland's Ice Is Melting Much Faster Than Previously Thought, Scientists Say

Ice melting on land is much more problematic than ice melting at sea, since it raises the sea level much more. And Greenland has a LOT of ice:

Monday, January 21, 2019

Chris Wallace presses Pence: "You could open the government tomorrow"

I LIKE it when the Fox News dog bites its owner:

This Engineer Is An Actual Wall Expert And She Just Destroyed Trump’s Wall Proposal In One Post

Add to this the fact that 90% of drugs come through legal ports of entry and that almost two thirds of undocumented people simply enter the country on a legal visa and then overstay the deadline, and it's pretty clear the wall is a boondoggle: