Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Friday, December 20, 2019

Why One Conservative Texas City Went 100% Renewable

Republicans can learn! You just need to phrase progressive causes in conservative terms:

Fox News Legal Analyst: I ‘Certainly Would’ Vote To Impeach Donald Trump

Since Napolitano is a respected former judge on Fox News, I hope his position impacts more than a few Trump supporters:


I'm a forensic psychiatrist at Yale. I took a look at Trump's letter to Nancy Pelosi — and it left me very worried

More reasons why Trump is psychologically unfit to be president:

Trump Is Benefiting From The Network Roger Ailes Couldn’t Invent In Time For Nixon

Unfortunately, Trump has the support of Fox News. Free speech is well and good, but propaganda should be illegal:


We Are Republicans, and We Want Trump Defeated

And here's another group of Republicans who don't think Trump is fit for duty:


Trump Should Be Removed from Office

Evangelicals turning on Trump. This could be--should be--the crack in his support:


Monday, December 16, 2019

The Generals Tried to Keep Trump in Check. What Happens to Foreign Policy Now That They've Left?

The view of Trump's incompetence from the perspective of the generals:


Methane ‘super emitters’ releasing massive plumes after Trump rolled back environmental regulations

Fucking insanity. Utterly criminal:


Disappointment as Marathon U.N. Climate Talks End With a Slim Compromise

More depressing news:


What Are High Crimes and Misdemeanors? Here’s the History

This is important to know:

"Only 19 people have been impeached in the U.S. since 1788: Two Presidents, one Senator, one Secretary of War and 15 federal judges. “These tend to be things about a violation of public trust, acting for personal gain and obstructing the process of impeachment itself,” explains Tom Ginsburg."


Trump Has Already Lost His Pricey China Trade War, Paul Krugman Warns


Focus group's Obama/Trump voters are now Trump voters

This is alarming and depressing:


Is America the Greatest Country in the World? A Rant.

The problem with proclaiming yourself the best is that there's nowhere to go but down:


Is Trump Immune From Investigation? The Supreme Court Will Soon Decide.

This is some serious and seriously scary shit:


Friday, December 13, 2019

Greenland’s Ice Sheet Is Melting at Rate That Surpasses Scientists' Expectations, Study Shows

"In the 90s, Greenland lost an average of 25 billions of ice per year. That number has picked up to an annual average loss of 234 billion tons per year."

Holy crap....


This Isn’t What Progressives Wanted From Impeachment

Yeah, I'm disappointed. I really think Trump should have been written up for ALL his crimes:

Experts stunned as Mitch McConnell brags he’s handing control of impeachment trial to Trump

WTF. Talk about abdicating one's responsibility:


Trump’s children must undergo mandatory training to learn how to avoid defrauding charities

Oh sweet:


Monday, December 9, 2019

Trump’s Approval Rating Collapses In Red State Kansas



Trump Slammed For Insisting ‘Killer’ Real Estate Jews Will Back Him To Save Their Wealth

He just can't help himself:


'We do not reach this conclusion lightly': 500 law professors say Trump's actions are impeachable

This should be clear to everyone:


Court refuses to block North Carolina GOP's new House gerrymander in a setback for fair elections

How is gerrymandering even at all legal?


Plants 'Scream' in the Face of Stress

Clearly vegans and vegetarians are sick bastards:


Monday, December 2, 2019

Ohio Bill Suggests Doctors Who Perform Abortions Could Face Jail, Unless They Perform a Non-Existent Treatment

And even more conservative nonsense:


PA House Passes Bill That May Require Death Certificates for Fertilized Eggs

More conservative insanity:


Clean energy isn't enough for climate

Because fossil fuels are still growing in demand:


Donald Trump was bailed out of bankruptcy by Russia crime bosses

If so, then yikes. We're talking treason here:


Scientists Warn: Nine Climate Tipping Points Now ‘Active’ – Could Threaten the Existence of Human Civilization

The drum beats just get louder:


Thursday, November 28, 2019

Tucker Carlson Calls Trump A ‘Full-Blown BS Artist’ And Admits He’s A Liar

But he concludes it's somehow okay that Trump constantly lies?


Trump Has Spent $115 Million On Golf Trips ― Or 287 Years Of Presidential Salary

The title says it all:


How The Interior Department Got Swamped

But of course, Trump is a swamp creature:


Trump Actually Did Something To Help Native Americans. What?

Wow, I guess lightning can strike twice:


Trump signs animal cruelty act into law

Amazingly, Trump actually did something good for once:


Monday, November 25, 2019

If Trump is acquitted, it will be necessary to impeach him again ... and again

I'm dubious it'll come to this...unless Drumpf wins re-election:


Trump’s Actions in Ukraine Weren’t Just Wrong, They Were Dangerous

The damage Trump has done over the Ukraine issue is worse than it looks:


Trump Got His Wall, After All

No physical wall, but this bureaucratic wall is having a big effect:


Progressives, trust your gut: Elizabeth Warren is not one of us

I'm dubious this is true, but it's worth thinking about:


Fox News’ Andrew Napolitano Calls Evidence Of Impeachable Actions ‘Overwhelming’

Another Fucks News celebrity gives out some realness to its viewers:


Monday, November 18, 2019

When It Comes to Climate-Change Adaptation, As Goes California, So Goes…the World

CA has a better chance of getting it right than anywhere else in the US:


We Are Wasting a Massive Amount of Food. Here Are 4 Concrete Ways to Change That

Such waste is criminal:


“Terrifying” Climate Impacts 626% Worse Than Expected for Intact Forest Loss

Great, more news that we're screwed:


Would the Founding Fathers Impeach Trump? with Robert Reich

Spoiler alert: YES:


Ohio Republicans pass bill that could let religious views trump scientific facts in the classroom

This CANNOT stand:


The best way to fight it is to use the Satanist tactic of taking the ruling to its logical conclusion. In this case, have kids give absurd answers (like a 30 y.o. Earth) and then claim religious conviction.

California bans government purchases of most gas-powered cars under Newsom climate order

Another important step made by progressives, not conservatives:


Here's What Iowa Republicans Think of the Impeachment Inquiry in Washington

Life in the Republican bubble. It's loathsome:


'This whole hearing turned on a dime': The Trump catastrophe even Fox News couldn't ignore

Happy to see Faux News viewers hearing this:


Monday, November 11, 2019

We are not 'divided.' The truth is Republicans have lost their damn minds

This is also my take on the Democrat-Republican divide:


What if California seceded from the US?

And here is an interesting thought experiment of what would happen to the US without CA:


For our California friends

For those who don't realize just how critically important California is to the US (looking at you, Drumpf!):


People who try to be environmentally-friendly by buying less stuff are happier, study claims

FF philosophy:


Arctic Shifts to Carbon Source – Stunning Reversal After Capturing Carbon for Tens of Thousands of Years

Another file for the "we're fucked" category:


Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Former Republican congressman stuns with commentary on his party's lack of courage and morality

I always love seeing Republicans attack their own party:


Over 11,000 scientists from around the world declare a 'climate emergency'

This has to be THE most important and frightening story for our future:


American Farm Bankruptcies Jump 24% Amid Trump Trade War, Weather Challenges

More of how Trump's trade war is hurting the US:


Another Term For Trump’s Quid Pro Quo? Extortion.



U.S. firms scramble to duck tariffs

More of an unfair mess from the stupid trade war:


Monday, November 4, 2019

Appeals Court Rules Trump's Tax Returns Must Be Shared With New York Investigators

SO good:


Inside the Trump Administration's Fight to End Nationwide Injunctions

Nice to see courts constantly thwarting Trump, but it's unacceptable that he is stacking the courts with incompetent conservative judges:


3 Months ago Trump offered Putin help w Fires in Siberia but not Cal - Trump's Russia First policy

Is it not treason to help the enemy and cripple your own country?


7 years ago, Trump called 1.9% growth "trouble", today, it is the best economy ever.

Yet another example of our Hypocrite in Chief:


Trump’s ‘Impenetrable’ Border Wall Being Breached With Power Tool, Officials Report

The wall must be Trump's biggest failed promise:

Trump Keeps Picking Unqualified People To Be Lifetime Judges. Republicans Don’t Care.

This is more than a little treasonous:


Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Psychiatrist Lance Dodes on the "panicked" state of the "most dangerous person on the planet"

A good psychological evaluation of the sociopathic toddler in chief:


MASH-UP: Trump’s al-Baghdadi Speech & Obama’s Bin Laden Speech

Compare the eloquence of Obama vs. Trump:


Global risks 2035 update: Decline or new renaissance?

A long but thoughtful analysis of how the future may play out:


President Trump has made 13,435 false or misleading claims over 993 days

An analysis of the Trump lies database:


In 993 days, President Trump has made 13,435 false or misleading claims

This is a good filterable list of Trump's lies and misinformation:


Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Victory over the worst gerrymander in modern history: Court blocks North Carolina GOP's House map

It's a relief that the Republicans aren't being allowed to get away with this:


Baghdadi raid succeeded ‘in spite of,' not thanks to, Donald Trump’s actions

Is there really any doubt?


New Daily Kos/Civiqs poll finds Pence losing to Democrats, Americans feeling less safe under Trump

Good. We don't want to jump out of the frying pan and into the fire:


Putin's longterm aim: reverse America's Cold War win

Very plausible:


Cyber memo warns of new risks to White House network

Isn't deliberately ignoring intelligence and making the country vulnerable to attacks regarded as treason?


Friday, October 25, 2019

Friday, October 18, 2019

Share of Americans with no religious affiliation growing

Christians have dropped from 77% of the US population in 2009 to just 65% in ten years, while the number of self-described atheists has doubled from 2% to 4% (although almost all self-described agnostics--which went from 3% to 5%--are actually atheists, since the term agnostic is misunderstood by most people). I'll take some (very) small credit for that!


GOP Group Uses Trump’s Own Words On Corruption Against Him In Searing Fox News Ad

More schadenfreude watching Republicans turning on Trump:


Microplastics in the soil point to another potential ecosystem collapse

Another serious problem with microplastics:


Thursday, October 17, 2019

Why America’s Christian foundation is a myth

For those who think the US was founded as a Christian nation:


Congress Should Remove Trump from Office, But Let Him Run Again in 2020

I get the logic but I don't like it. If Trump is kicked out of office, that should be a permanent disgrace and serve as a warning to future presidents. And there should be the opportunity to prosecute him for his other crimes:


This September Hit the Record for the Hottest Ever — and 2019 Is Shaping Up to Be the Second Hottest Year

This speaks for itself:


Trump "pro-life" evangelicals are now fiercely defending the murder of actual babies

The wonders of Evangelical hypocrisy:


Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Trump Admin Moves To Greenlight Logging In America’s Largest National Forest

More short-sighted, stupid destruction:


Why Evangelical Christian Leaders Care So Deeply About Trump Abandoning The Kurds

If a sizable chunk of Evangelicals split from Don the Con, even if they just end up not voting at all, that would be terrific:


Trump in a landslide? This historically accurate model predicts exactly that

Oh please no! But at least this assumes we still have a strong economy when the elections roll around, that there aren't any further scandals, and that Drumpf isn't already impeached:


Basic Income Recipients Spent the Money on “Literal Necessities”

Encouraging support for a UBI:


Friday, October 11, 2019

Trump accused of 26 new cases of ‘unwanted sexual contact’

Not the old ones. These are NEW sexual assault allegations:


‘RIP GOP’: Polling expert predicts 2020 electoral wipeout will devastate Trump — and the Republican party

But this is encouraging:


Military expert warns support for Trump in the US armed forces is ‘downright cult-like’ — and creating frightening divisions within the ranks

This is fucking scary:


Here's why California is experiencing massive power outages and why that should concern us all

Basically PG&E sucks. I'm SO glad I have solar and a battery system:


Scientists Thought It Took Thousands of Years for Plastic to Decompose – It May Only Be Decades

Well, at least this is encouraging:


Russian Operative Said ‘We Made America Great’ After Trump’s Win

Of course they celebrated. Yet Trump continues to deny Russian involvement because he feels it de-legitimizes his presidency. For once, he's right:


Trump Escalates Attacks On Fox News After Impeachment Poll

I have to repeat that I LOVE it when Faux News and President Lardbucket fall out:


Revealed: the 20 firms behind a third of all carbon emissions

And just 12 companies are responsible for 20% of the world's emissions:


Trump boasts the economy is the best it's ever been. Here are 9 charts showing how it's fared compared to the Obama and Bush presidencies.

For all Trump's boasting about the economy, it's mostly just a continuation of the trends Obama handed him:


Monday, September 16, 2019

The Trump voters who 'just want to watch the world burn' (and all of us along with it)

This is why we'll never reach that small core of hateful Trump supporters:


New Poll Shows Majority of Americans Disapprove of President Trump's Climate Change Views

This is encouraging:


Russia Carried Out A ‘Stunning’ Breach Of FBI Communications System, Escalating The Spy Game On U.S. Soil

A long and detailed story of what we're up against:


Good candidates learn from their mistakes and get better—as Elizabeth Warren has demonstrated

Warren is my favorite so far:


Saturday, September 14, 2019

The U.S.'s handicap in the AI talent race

Trump is right to identify A.I. as critical for development, but per usual he's doing it all wrong:


Air Force says it sent crews to Trump’s Scottish resort up to 40 times

But of course:


Trump finally agrees to release military aid to Ukraine after apparent blackmail effort fails

Trump's strategy to avoid impeachment must be to overwhelm the system with his crimes:


EPA removes the Clean Water Rule, creating chaos for water regulations—and paradise for polluters

Trump's actions are beyond criminal:

Why Is the Amazon Rain Forest Disappearing?

This is deeply depressing and distressing, but important to know:


Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Study Finds Political Conservatives Make the Best Investors

Finally, something good about conservatives! Surprisingly, their investment strategies are not what you'd expect (although I have to say I'm both a progressive and a risky investor):


Sunday, September 8, 2019

Unqualified And Ideological: A Guide To Trump’s Worst Judges

Likely Trump's most destructive legacy:


Iceland Trolls Mike Pence With Rows Of Rainbow Pride Flags

Epic trolling:


NOAA Slammed For Backing Trump Over Scientists In Dorian-Alabama Feud

Good. NOAA is a respectable organization and should never have been forced to do this:


Want to seem more authentic? Use politically incorrect language.

Right or left, people think assholes are authentic:


'He's losing his s---': Trump's advisers are increasingly worried about his mental state following days of erratic behavior



Study links lower emotional intelligence to prejudiced, right-wing views

Surprise, surprise....


Friday, August 30, 2019

Trump suggests he should have extra time as president, in rant over ‘dishonest fool’ Comey’s leaks

The dictator wannabe wants more time as president:


McConnell to Supreme Court: We won’t let Dems 'pack the court'

McConnell's hypocrisy never ceases to amaze me:


AOC says ad attacking her climate change warning actually helps spread her message

Yeah, this is more like an ad FOR AOC, not against her (except for the word "shallow"):


UN draft climate report warns oceans rising, warming

It's looking bleak....


Outlook For The Great Barrier Reef Is Now ‘Very Poor,’ Australian Government Says

This is heartbreaking. I remember spending a couple weeks on the Great Barrier Reef as a kid:


Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Trump Tweets ‘Fox Isn’t Working For Us’ After Amicable Interview With DNC Staffer

I guess it's true that Trump eventually turns on everyone, even his closest allies:


Trump suggests pardons for wall action

Trump said "Take the land." That'll go over well with Republicans and Libertarians:


Climate Change Is Warming Europe Faster Than Expected

Looks like the safest places to be are Ireland, Scotland, Portugal, Norway, Switzerland, Austria, and a few parts of France, Spain and Germany. Stay away from most of France and Spain:


Amazon Wildfires Are Horrifying, But They're Not Destroying Earth's Oxygen Supply

The fires in the Amazon are destroying biodiversity and producing carbon dioxide, but they are not reducing the oxygen content of our atmosphere:


Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Russian interference, 2020

Of course Russian interference had to have handed Trump the presidency, and he's incapable of doing what's best for the country, only himself:


Yes, Donald Trump really believes he is 'the chosen one'

The Narcissist in Chief (watch the video):


Republican Group Urges GOP Senators To Stand Up To Mitch McConnell In Damning New Ads

I love seeing Republicans attack Republicans, and I REALLY hope this sinks Mitch:


Trump, the promise-maker

The promises he's kept are almost all the awful ones:


Cruz: President Trump would nuke Denmark

Wow, who knew Ted Cruz was Nostrafuckingdamus back in 2016?

"I don’t know anyone who would be comfortable with someone who behaves this way having his finger on the button,” Cruz continued. “I mean, we’re liable to wake up one morning and Donald, if he were president, would have nuked Denmark."


Fake News Can Lead to False Memories

One has to keep vigilant for one's own biases:


Monday, August 19, 2019

European wind farms could meet global energy demand, researchers now say

"A new study found that maximizing onshore wind potential could enable Europe to generate 100 times more electricity than it currently does. That's enough to cover energy demand for the entire world from now until 2050, according to the researchers."


The new threat to capitalism

Capitalism may have to change:


Record-Breaking Temperatures Around the World Are 'Almost Entirely' Due to Climate Change

And there will be many more record-breaking Julys in the future:


Fracking boom tied to methane spike in Earth’s atmosphere

A good reason to phase out natural gas, too:

This Land Is the Only Land There Is


Climate change: German MPs want higher meat tax

Well, this is the first of four climate change articles I'm posting (it's also the least depressing of them). Taxing climate-damaging products makes a lot of sense:


Wednesday, August 7, 2019

'Good Guys With Guns' Can Rarely Stop Mass Shootings, and Texas and Ohio Show Why

Excellent point. I think banning semi-automatic weapons would make mass shootings much more difficult (revolvers and lever action rifles would be the fastest shooting weapons, with limited ammunition and relatively long reload times), while having essentially no negative impact on hunting or sport shooting.


Trump Sues California Over Law Requiring Candidates to Reveal Tax Returns

Of course Trump is suing. I REALLY hope he fails:


Tuesday, August 6, 2019

These Countries Are the Most at Risk From a Water Crisis

Well, the US is reasonably safe, but a lot of Europe isn't. Neither is Chile, my birthplace. Canada, Brazil and parts of Africa look pretty safe:


Excellent explanation for why climatologists accept human-caused climate change as real

Most profound point: “In the past, when CO2 levels rose higher than they are today, it often happened over millions of years and the various forms of life on earth were able to evolve and adapt. But there were a number of times when CO2 levels and temperatures rose as quickly as they have risen in the last 100 years. These changes had profound consequences leading to mass extinctions. For example, 252 million years ago there was a rapid rise in CO2 due to a series of volcano eruptions, and global temperatures rose 11 deg. C wiping out 95% of all species on earth.”


Mitch McConnell's obstruction in the spotlight following massacres

Finally there is at least SOME blowback against Mitch the Bitch:


Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Friday, July 19, 2019

Former Texas judge writes a scathing Facebook post on why she’s leaving the GOP and voting Democrat in 2020

Nicely said:


'The Numbers Are Just Horrendous.' Almost 30,000 Species Face Extinction Because of Human Activity

This is just painfully sad:


A Fascist Trump Rally In Greenville

If there are any doubts that Trump is a fascist:


Republicans Want a White Republic. They'll Destroy America to Get It

This explains a lot of their behavior:


What happens when parts of South Asia become unlivable? The climate crisis is already displacing millions

This is one of the many reasons why climate change should be THE #1 issue for the foreseeable future:


The GOP’s demographic decay

Very encouraging. No wonder Republicans are fans of gerrymandering and voter suppression:


Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Trump Campaign Staffer Claims 'Twitter Is Lying,' Says President Never Tweeted 'Go Back' To House Democrats



Trump's most openly racist rhetoric yet is not at all surprising

When will his vileness finally bring him down?


Leaked cables show British ambassador saying Trump abandoned Iran deal in act of 'diplomatic vandalism' to spite Obama

Trump's pettiness vies with his racism, ignorance, narcissism, authoritarianism, sexism, etc. for worst attribute:


Greenland’s Superfast ‘Ice Slides’ Could Be Bad News for Climate Change

More reason to be deeply concerned:


The future began 40 years ago

To those who claim industrialization and automation ends up creating more jobs for humans, keep in mind that A.I. will eventually supersede anything and everything human minds are capable of doing...so there is a jobs crisis looming:


Monday, July 8, 2019

Epstein Arrest Is a Worry for Donald Trump

Bringing down Trump with that child rape allegation is what I have been hoping for for a long time:


Why Do Liberals Hate The United States?

Excellent points:


Seth Abramson on "The Scary Truth"

From https://twitter.com/SethAbramson/status/1146569608691965953


If a POTUS a) has absolute control over his branch, b) is willing to defy the judicial branch, and c) knows the legislative branch won't stop him, he can do...

...*whatever the hell he wants*.

That's *always* been the case—we just never elected a madman before.