Friday, September 28, 2018

One of the main reasons why Kavanaugh should not be on the SCOTUS

I would like to add that he claimed in a Fox News interview that he never got very drunk, but admitted during the Senate hearing that he did, plus there is plenty of other evidence that he did indeed drink to excess. Kavanaugh wasn't under oath during the interview...but we're talking about a prospective justice for the Supreme Court. That he would publicly lie at all shouldn't be acceptable, right?

Monday, September 10, 2018

California aims to get all electricity from clean sources by 2045

This is how it needs to be done!

Outdated Evolution: Updating Our Governments to Cope with Disruptive Technology

Just this part stood out to me:

"A study found that 59 percent of US presidents, 68 percent of vice presidents, and 78 percent of secretaries of state were lawyers by education and occupation. That’s more than one out of every two people in the most powerful positions in the American government restricted to a field dedicated to convincing other people (judges) their perspective is true, even if they lack evidence.
And so the scientific method became less important than semantics to our leaders. Similarly, of the 535 individuals in the American congress, only 24 hold a PhD, only 2 of which are in a STEM field. And so far, it’s not getting better: Trump is the first president since WWII not to name a science advisor."

Lawyers defend the position they're given, not what is right. Is the solution to ban lawyers from top government positions?

From San Diego to Oceanside, thousands call for action on climate change in marches

We need more action like this:

10 reasons why Finland's education system is the best in the world

Why isn't it standard to learn from countries that are doing things right?

Monday, September 3, 2018