Sunday, May 20, 2018

Stephanie Kelton Has The Biggest Idea In Washington

Very interesting solution that could appeal to both conservatives and liberals (though mostly liberals), since it could fund all their agendas...if it actually works:

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

If the media actually told the 'good news' about Trump, it would still be pretty bad news

A lot of good arguments for why Trump's best news isn't really all that great:
Arguments for why even Trump's best news isn't really all that great:

The 'Strongmen Era' Is Here. Here’s What It Means for You

This is pretty depressing, but unfortunately rings true:

Trump Orders Help For Chinese Phone-Maker After China Approves Money For Trump Project

How much more pay-for-play will there be before somebody stops the fat bastard?

Trump Kills NASA Carbon Monitoring Program as CO2 Levels Soar Past 'Troubling' 410 ppm Threshold

The ostrich head in the sand philosophy:

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

'The Americans Cannot Be Trusted.' How Iran Is Reacting to Trump's Decision to Quit Nuclear Deal

Unless Trump backs down, this surely won't end well:

Ohio Voters Pass Gerrymandering Reform Measure

I'm hoping this gains traction around the whole country:

The Incredible Fragility of Young Earth Creationist Evangelicalism

A very interesting perspective: by hitching YEC to the validity of Christianity, creationists set themselves up for failure:

Snowflake Scott Pruitt spent $3 million on security over three threats—and they were ridiculous

Yet more reason to despise Pruitt:

Trump's Approval Rating Makes Me Hopeful For Our Country: Tuesday's Good News

A longish article, but filled with encouraging signs for those not enamored with Trump or the GOP:

Are right-wing evangelicals causing the rise in religious 'nones'?

Music to my ears:

London's Top Trauma Doctor Hits Back At Trump's "Ridiculous" Knife Remarks to NRA

I've had conservatives try to pull this one on me: