Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Ret. Admiral: President Trump’s Actions Are Making Many Military Leaders Uncomfortable

At least the generals aren't happy with Trump's antics:

A North American Climate Boundary Has Shifted 140 Miles East Due to Global Warming

More evidence for how climate change will affect our lives right here:

Why I'm boycotting TurboTax this year

The completely unnecessary hoops the IRS forces people to jump through, thanks to companies like TurboTax:

Billionaire GOP Donor: I’m Using My Tax-Cut Money To Help Elect Democrats

I'm for this and we need more like him:
I want to replace my muscles with this:

Friday, April 13, 2018

SOLAR XL: Resisting Keystone XL by Building Clean Energy in the Pipeline’s Path

A clever way to cause problems for the Keystone Pipeline:

Joe Lieberman: A New Way to Keep Ideologues Out of Congress

I'm not a fan of Lieberman, but I agree bipartisanship has to happen (if only conservatives weren't so damn WRONG! ;-) ):

Lyin' Comey

In advance of Comey's new book, Republicans already have a website to discredit him:

Unfortunately for them, credible sources are corroborating a number of Comey's claims.

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Friday, April 6, 2018

How Trump is transforming himself into the greatest president ever

The Gaslighter in Chief:

Donald Trump Basically Just Said He Should Lose the Litigation With Stormy Daniels

The whole he-said, she-said kerfuffle over the Stormy Daniels nondisclosure agreement issue nicely explained:

Sinclair’s pro-Trump news is taking over local TV. See if they own your station.

It appears I'm safe. Not that I watch local news. I just don't care about the guy explaining why there should be a municipal bond measure mandating school driveway markings be painted yellow instead of white:

Laura Ingraham Dumped By Yet Another Sponsor Despite Being Off TV For A Week

Well, activism can work:

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Seth Abramson on Mueller saying Trump not a target in Russia Probe

Another good analysis of the situation:

But this was never about collusion, so much as obstruction of justice, violating the emoluments clause, and so on—lesser crimes that Trump is definitely guilty of committing. Like how Al Capone went to jail on tax evasion, not murder, extortion, etc.

It’s Not Just China's Retaliatory Tariffs That Should Worry U.S. Businesses

This could get ugly. Thanks Drumpf:

EPA To Gut The Only Major Federal Rule To Cut Climate Pollution From Vehicles

Have I mentioned before how much I hate Pruitt? He is literally endangering future generations on a massive scale:

Carmakers Wanted President Trump to Ease Emission Standards. Now They're Afraid He'll Go Too Far

Glad to see the automakers don't really want this change: