Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Cambridge Analytica whistleblower says company helped swing Brexit vote

I wonder if this could lead to a re-vote if it turns out the evidence is conclusive:

Why Donald Trump Hasn’t Lost His Core Fanbase Yet

I think there are some good insights here:

In final screw-you to his party, GOP Rep. Ryan Costello takes name off Pennsylvania primary ballot

But some good news: a Republican congressman turning a likely win into a probable loss:

Leaked Memo: EPA Issues Approved Talking Points Downplaying Climate Change

More science denial. This has to be the definition of insanity:

Independents Are Shifting To Climate Denial, According To The Latest Gallup Poll

This is unsettling. It seems that the only party of logic and reason is the Democratic Party:

Friday, March 23, 2018

How do people actually respond to the "trolley problem"?

This isn't really a political post...although I wonder if this test has political implications somehow. It's the classic "trolley problem" tested on real people, and the results are rather surprising:

Monday, March 19, 2018

Fake News Goes to Court

The alt-reality and fake news sources appear to be getting their comeuppance:

KS Republicans shocked when their consultants on education give them same answer as everyone else

The failed Republican experiment that is Kansas is bitten in the ass once again:

Trump would love to fire Mueller. But here’s why he’s been afraid to so far.

A good rundown of the risks Mueller and Trump do and do not face:

The article removed from Forbes, “Why White Evangelicalism Is So Cruel”

This explains a lot of why Evangelicals don't actually follow the teachings of Jesus:

John Oliver publishes book to upset Pence

I watched John Oliver's segment on this. A worthy buy!

Cambridge Analytica Uncovered: Secret filming reveals election tricks

The inside dirt on Cambridge Analytica. There’s nothing like video from the horse’s mouth to provide damning evidence:

What Woke America And Great America Can Learn From Each Other

Interesting way to interpret what your opponents are saying:

Kris Kobach’s Voting Sham Gets Exposed in Court

Is there nothing conservatives do that isn’t evil?

The Cambridge Analytica Files ‘I made Steve Bannon’s psychological warfare tool’: meet the data war whistleblower

In depth article on the man behind using Facebook to elect Trump:

Friday, March 16, 2018

Fox News hosts and their bald faced hypocrisy

There’s nothing like video footage to lay bare hypocrisy:

How to disagree well: 7 of the best and worst ways to argue

Useful suggestions for how to argue most successfully:

Shep Smith Has the Hardest Job on Fox News

Sanity vs. Hannity:

What it means that the Russians-hacking-US-energy-grid story is being leaked in a big way now

An interesting perspective:

Russia Is Now a Rogue State. We Must Treat It Like One

I have to agree:

Monday, March 12, 2018

The Last Temptation

"How evangelicals, once culturally confident, became an anxious minority seeking political protection from the least traditionally religious president in living memory":

Friday, March 2, 2018

Trump has a 'great meeting' with the NRA and falls back in line with the gun lobby

Was this ever in doubt?

Three Reasons Scientists Are Freaked out by Crazy-High Arctic Temperatures

If Greenland and Antarctica lose their landlocked ice, sea levels will rise extremely high and drastically change weather patterns:

No, Fascism Can’t Happen Here

At least we have something to ease our concern:

Trump’s Chaos Theory for the Oval Office Is Taking Its Toll

Rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic:

How the student activists of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High demonstrate the power of a comprehensive education

So much for "crisis actors":
