Wednesday, February 28, 2018

NRA's Warnings Have Come True: A President Wants To Unilaterally Disarm Americans

Sorry, but...bwahahahah!

“It’s fairly easy to imagine how the NRA would have reacted had Obama or Clinton made a statement about taking guns away without due process. But the group did not immediately return a request for comment on Wednesday about what it thinks of Trump’s remarks.”

Trump seems to think weapons used in mass shootings are bought on "the black market"

Out of touch much???

Revenge of the tribes: How the American Empire could fall

What partisan thinking in blogs like this one could lead to:

But it's the conservatives who are committing most of the attacks on disenfranchised groups, dammit, while progressives are mostly trying to expand equality!

To Create Conflict, Russians Fuel GMO Debate

It seems that Russian interference in public disinformation is not limited to elections:

Monday, February 26, 2018

John Dean Predicts If Gates Testimony Shows Manafort Acted W/Trump's Blessings, It's All Over

Will THIS be the path that topples Trumpty Dumpty?

After Two Decades of GMOs, Scientists Find They Live up to Their Promise

For those on the left who are anti-GMO:

'The Most Dangerous Man In The World’: Trump Is Violent, Immature And Insecure, Psych Experts Say

Nicely summarizing what we already know all too well:

Gallup Officially Declares TEXAS Competitive (And Guess Who's Finally Been Showing Up?)

Very encouraging. Taking Texas and Florida would make it very hard for Republicans to win anything:

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Friday, February 16, 2018

Seth Abramson on when Trump actually started running for president, and what he did after that time

Now Trump is lying about the timeline for his running for the presidency...thus opening himself up to further collusion allegations:

Trump’s Budget Would End Grant Funding For State Endangered Species Projects

Have I mentioned I hate that shitbird Trump?

All the things Fox News blamed the Parkland shooting on other than the gun

I wish there were an official watchdog group evaluating the verifiable accuracy as well as completeness of coverage of stories from all the major news sources:

Jared Kushner's Finances Are In Shambles And He's A Threat To National Security

I wonder which of the Trump inner circle will go down first:

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Friday, February 9, 2018

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like the Gilded Age

An interesting comparison between the "Gilded Age" period after the Civil War and today:

Fox News cuts away from Trump economic speech to cover historic stock market drop

Watch the stock ticker as Tronald Dump brags about how good he is for the economy:

And here FoxNews (yeah, THEM!) cuts away from one of his economy rallies to show how the stock market is tanking:

Why Are Conservatives More Susceptible to Believing Lies?

A good analysis, starting with this basic point: “The difference between Republicans and Democrats is that Republicans believe people are fundamentally bad, while Democrats see people as fundamentally good.”

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Friday, February 2, 2018

Seth Abramson breaks down the Nunes memo

Another great Seth Abramson analysis, this time of the Nunes Memo:

The Key Players In Trump’s ‘Deep State’ Conspiracy Theory Are All Republicans

There is some special kind of stupid going on here:

Congressman unleashes fiery blast at Trump lapdogs’ defense of a corrupt presidency

Nicely said:

Defeat is inevitable. Everybody knows it, even Trump

Drawing the parallels between Nixon and Trump:

Donald Trump Just Asked Congress to End the Rule of Law

Yeah, that line bothered me when I heard it: