Sunday, November 19, 2017

Franken isn't the target

Another point I heard made about the Al Franken situation is that the woman he wrong has forgiven him. And nobody gets to be more outraged then the victim:

Friday, November 17, 2017

Sessions Pressed on FBI's Classification of BLM and KKK

Jeff Sessions, your racism is showing, and Ms. Bass is handing you your ass:

14 reasons why Trump’s tweets on Al Franken cannot be ignored

Sexual assault isn't acceptable among celebrities and politicians anymore, as the recent flood of allegations reveals. Trump should not be exempt, and his supporters are just proving themselves to be hypocrites:

Reckoning Trump's weak distractions because Jared and Hope are talking to Mueller

Lots of evidence that Donald Trump has sexually assaulted women:

Grassley paves the way for federal judiciary to be taken over by ghost hunters, far-right bloggers

And yet more hypocrisy. The installation of unqualified, unapologetically right wing judges disgusts  me the most:

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

37% of Evangelicals Are More Likely to Back Roy Moore After Assault Allegations

This is insane:

From Newsweek: "Nearly 40 percent of Evangelical Christians in Alabama say they’re now more likely to vote for Roy Moore after multiple allegations that he molested children."

So much for Christian morality....

Friday, November 10, 2017

Robert Mueller Is Moving Toward Donald Trump

This is highly encouraging:

Millionaire Takes On Fox Host on GOP Tax Scam

I love it when people confront right-wing bullshit with facts:

(Watch the video.)

Survey Predicts Huge Amount of Non-Religious Americans by 2035

Religious belief continues its downward trend:

Donald Trump's biggest flaw: He's not that bright

This could use a lot more of the available evidence, but it will do:

The Resistance Helped Democrats Win on Tuesday. Now They're Turning to 2018

This is all VERY encouraging:

Don't lose momentum!

Monday, November 6, 2017

Robert Reich: This Will Be Trump's Most Damning and Damaging Legacy

We're going to have to make laws to ensure no more Trump-like people ever get elected president again:

These 5 Facts Explain Why China Is Pulling Ahead of the West

The US is dropping behind an authoritarian regime. I don't like where this is going:

Many Conservative Mass Shooting Excuses Don’t Work When Victims Are Churchgoers

Again with the hypocrisy...

Watergate Prosecutor to Trump: Keep Interfering With Investigation, Mueller Could Obtain Gag Order

I think we would all LOVE to see this happen:

Russian Lawyer Who Met With Donald Trump Jr. Claims He Offered A Quid Pro Quo

And yet another potential shoe to drop:

Mueller Has Enough Evidence to Bring Charges in Flynn Investigation

Another shoe drops:

America is facing an epistemic crisis

What if Trump is proven to have colluded with Russia and nobody has the guts to do anything about it? This is probably the most depressing and horrifying thing you'll read all year:

Walmart shooter reportedly lived with stack of Bibles, no furniture. Why isn't he a terrorist?

The next time some white Christian conservative tells you Muslims should be kicked out of the country because of radical Islamic terrorism, strongly agree with them, and add that Christians should also be kicked out because of radical Christian terrorism like this:,no-furniture-Why-isnt-he-a-terrorist

There WILL be sputtering and backpedaling!