Monday, August 28, 2017

Florida's Textbooks Are a New Battleground in America's Fight Over Facts

Since when should minority dissenting opinions from non-scientists have any say in science topics in schools?

You don't teach astrology in astronomy classes, nor alchemy in physics classes, nor phrenology in neuroscience classes, nor magic in physics classes!

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Disco isn’t dead: It’s being used as a secret weapon for disarming British neo-Nazis

A great way to troll white supremacists:

But this is the best:

Democracy in North Carolina Could Disappear. Is Your State Next?

This is also scary:

Gerrymandering, voter suppression, sowing distrust in the major media sources, buying up local media to control their message... Getting the Dems into power is the only hope for reversing these trends.

Trump Unfit To Be President? There’s A Fast Way To Get Rid Of Him.

Unfortunately, Pence is in the way:

Trump Takes Authoritarian Stance In Portraying Journalists As Anti-American Enemy

This is seriously dangerous. I wonder what the rabid, uneducated Trump supporters will do if and when Trump is kicked out of office? It'll be an utter shock to so many of them who believe the bullshit that he's doing such a great job:

Monday, August 14, 2017

Don't Be a Sucker - 1947

This short film from the WWII era is a disturbing and powerful reminder of the dangers of what Trump and the alt-reality are pushing:

Who Would Win in a War Between the United States and North Korea

China would fight to defend North Korea, which takes attacking North Korea to a whole new level of dangerous:

Personally, I blame South Korea for having a Seoul. Ugh, sorry.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Sunday, August 6, 2017

New Rule: What If Obama Said It? | Real Time with Bill Maher

To highlight conservative hypocrisy, here is "Obama" using Trump's own words:

(That part starts at the 2 1/2 minute mark.)

WH correspondent & cronies: 'Native Indians' should 'go back to your country'


Anderson Cooper on President Trump's HYPOCRISY for mocking Obama on taking too many vacations

Again, it's the hypocrisy that pisses me off the most:

New Sexual Harassment Allegations Leveled Against Fox News’ Eric Bolling

You know, it's not so much the unprofessional and inappropriate behavior as the sheer hypocrisy of conservatives and Faux News that is so egregious:

Ailes, O'Reilly, Bolling...who's next?

Friday, August 4, 2017

An Alliance Upholding the Paris Agreement Now Represents a Third of the U.S. Population

Despite Trump, a plurality of America is behind fighting climate change:

Democrats Could Take Back The House. Will They Screw It Up?

Please don't screw the pooch, please don't screw the pooch, please don't screw the pooch...

Trump Asked Mexico To Stop Publicly Refusing To Pay For His Unimportant Border Wall

Pathetic weakness at its finest:

Why A Trump Pivot Might Backfire

An analysis on why the mythical Trump pivot will likely never materialize:

Why The Scariest Nuclear Threat May Be Coming From Inside The White House

The Trump administration's complete ignorance and disinterest about the Dept of Energy (nuke dept!) is pretty damn scary:

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Robert Reich's conversation with a former Republican member of Congress

Robert Reich
July 31 at 12:19pm ·
This morning I phoned my friend, a former Republican member of Congress.

Me: What's going on? Seems like the White House is imploding, and Republicans are going down with the ship.

Him (chuckling): We’re officially a banana republic.

Me: Seriously, what are you hearing from your former colleagues on the Hill?

Him: They’re convinced Trump is out of his gourd.

Me: So what are they going to do about it?

Him: Remember what I told you at the start of this circus? They planned to use Trump’s antics for cover, to get done what they most wanted – big tax cuts, rollbacks of regulations, especially financial. They’d work with Pence behind the scenes and forget the crazy uncle in the attic.

Me: Yeah.

Him: Well, I’m hearing a different story now. Stuff with Sessions is pissing them off. And now Trump's hired that horse’s ass Scaramucci -- a communications director who talks dirty on CNN! Plus Trump’s numbers are in freefall. They think he’s gonna hurt them in ’18 and ’20.

Me: So what’s the plan?

Him: They want him outa there.

Me: Really? Impeachment?

Him: Doubt it, unless Mueller comes up with a smoking gun.

Me: Or if he fires Mueller.

Him: Not gonna happen.

Me: So how do they get him out?

Him: Put someone else up in ’20. Lots of maneuvering already. Pence, obviously. Cruz thinks he has a shot.

Me: But that won’t help them in the midterms. What’s the plan before then?

Him: Lots think he’s fritzing out.

Me: Fritzing out?

Him: Going totally bananas. Paranoia. You want to know why he fired Priebus, wants Sessions out, and is now gunning for Tillerson?

Me: He wants to shake things up?

Him (chuckling): No. The way I hear it, he thinks they’ve been plotting against him.

Me: What do you mean?

Him: Twenty-fifth amendment! Read it! A Cabinet can get rid of a president who’s nuts. Trump thinks they’ve been preparing a palace coup. So one by one, he’s firing them.

Me: I find it hard to believe they’re plotting against him.

Him: Of course not! It’s ludicrous. Sessions is a loyal lapdog. Tillerson doesn't know where the bathroom is. That’s my point. Trump is fritzing out. Having manic delusions. He’s actually going nuts.

Me: And?

Him: Well, it’s downright dangerous.

Me: Yeah, but that still doesn’t tell me what Republicans are planning to do about it.

Him: Look. How long do you think it will be before everyone in Washington knows he’s flipping out? I don’t mean just weird. I mean really off his rocker.

Me: I don’t know.

Him: Not all that long.

Me: So what are you telling me?

Him: They don’t have to plot against him. It will be obvious to everyone that he’s got to go. That’s where the twenty-fifth amendment really does comes in.

Me: So you think…

Him: Who knows? But he’s losing it fast. My betting is he’s out of office before the midterms. And Pence is president.

Trump is doing irreparable harm to the White House's credibility

Do we laugh or cry over this disaster? Mostly cry, I think:

The 7 Most Mind-Boggling Moments From Donald Trump’s Wall Street Journal Interview

It's worth reading the entire interview word salad:

Oregon Doesn’t Have Time For This Obamacare Repeal Nonsense

Way to go!

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Donald Trump Is Now the Poster Boy for Terrible Management Skills

Who else could turn an initial inheritance of $200 million into around $3 billion in 40 years and think that's impressive, when simply investing it and leaving it alone would have turned it into $12 billion?

Bill Browder’s Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing Could Explain Anthony Scaramucci’s Bizarre Behaviour

Here is a much more detailed (and amazing!) account of something I posted earlier, of how the whole Putin, Magnitsky Act and Trump web links together:

My Party Is in Denial About Donald Trump

Although Flake voted along the GOP party line, he's (rather surprisingly) at least self-aware enough to call bullshit on his party's treatment of Trump: