Saturday, February 25, 2017

Buoyed By Anti-Trump Activism, Democrat Wins Delaware Special Election

Is this the first domino to fall in the reversal of fortune?

But the video at the bottom does not look good.

Former Trump Aide Says Wind and Solar Research Will Be Cut

Another move that frosts the hell out of me. They're just propping up a dying industry instead of promoting what is the future, no question:

What's Next in the Grassroots Fight Against President Trump

I didn’t think I’d ever leave the CIA. But because of Trump, I quit.

Something strange is happening in Kansas over taxes and Medicaid

Kansas was the conservative experiment. California was the liberal experiment. California has a huge surplus. This is what Kansas has:

Friday, February 24, 2017

‘Post-election stress disorder’ sweeps the nation

Both Democrats and Republicans are suffering anxiety and depression from Trump's presidency:

Trump White House Bars News Organizations From Press Briefing

Trumplethinskin just can't handle criticism:

We have a free press. Get used to it, you walking golden wart!

Brilliant troll hands out tiny Trump Russian flags right before Trump's CPAC speech

This is how to troll:


Bannon Admits Trump's Cabinet Nominees Were Selected To Destroy Their Agencies

Would it be any different to allow Russia or ISIS to infiltrate our government?:

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

I think I may be glad Trump won the election....

I've wanted to articulate these thoughts for a month or so now, so here goes....

When Cheeto Hitler won the election, like most of the population I was stunned. Shocked. Horrified. I went to bed despondent. And the next few days included a lot of "What the fuck, America?!" exhortations, even when no one else was in the room.

I still ask that question...but the massive worldwide turnout for the Women's March immediately eased the despondency. So did all the marches and town hall meetings that soon followed. And after ruminating over the situation for a couple weeks, I came to the realization that the Pumpkin Pustule win...might actually turn out to be the best possible outcome for America.

Hear me out: If Clinton had won, she would have faced basically the same problem Obama did after the 2010 elections: a Congress dead set against letting the president get anything done. She wouldn't even have had the luxury of getting major achievements done as Obama did (Obamacare, infrastructure spending, saving the auto industry, etc.) before the Party of No took over Congress. Yes, had she been elected she would have been able to nominate a Supreme Court justice...but you saw what the Republicans in the Senate did to Obama's pick, and they were already making noise about leaving the seat empty if Clinton were to win. She would have had to rely heavily on executive orders, just as Obama did later in his presidency...and look how quickly Trumplethinskin reversed a number of them simply because he could. So what would have happened if Clinton had won the presidency? More gridlock. More division. And more and more Americans becoming disillusioned with government.

But the Tangerine Tweet-Monkey won instead...barely. He did it by losing the popular vote spectacularly, which showed everyone that most Americans didn't want him but that due to complacency and the Electoral College (and a little help from Comey, Putin and fake news), the unthinkable happened. Then the Wee-Fingered Bloat and the Republican Congress started acting on all sorts of shit that the majority of Americans don't want: draconian immigration policies, rolling back LGBTQ protections, killing environmental regulations, repealing Obamacare, screwing with international stability, and so on. And America. Woke. Up.

Suddenly people who in the past perhaps voted for president but otherwise couldn't be bothered with politics are now showing great interest in what is happening up and down the ballot. And they're doing something about it. Protests are erupting daily, in the streets and in town halls, and the Republicans are getting their panties in a wad ( They're like the dog that caught the bus, and they have no idea what to do with it. That bus is huge and it's not going in the direction they want to go, and they're beginning to realizing it's likely going to squash a lot of them flat.

So what is all this leading to? As long as the Butternut Soufflé of Death and the Republicans continue to behave in ways nobody really wants, the outrage and the activism will continue. The 2018 elections were supposed to be a long shot for Democrats, but now I'm not so sure. I think the Republicans will get the drubbing they deserve for putting Fuckface von Clownstick into the White House, and it should set the stage for an overwhelming Democratic win in the 2020 presidential election (assuming we put a reasonably strong candidate on the ticket). The wave of changing demographics should be hitting pretty hard by then, which should drive the overwhelmingness into overwhelmingnesser territory.

So that's why I think losing the presidency may be the best thing that could happen to us. Instead of an ineffectual, go nowhere presidency and waning progressive involvement now, we could end up with a truly massive sweep of Congress and the presidency over the next four years. Yes, we may lose the Supreme Court seat to a die-hard conservative, and we may end up glowing from a global nuclear war over some stupid-ass tweet our Golden Shower in Chief feverishly whips off after watching a particularly embarrassing Saturday Night Live skit. But if not, the country could...should...tilt so hard to the left that conservatives will flee to Russia in droves.

Stay angry, my friends....

Derek Mathias

EDIT: Here is some more support:

The Resistance Is the Majority of Americans — Not a New Tea Party

An interesting comparison between the Teabaggers and what we have now:

Do These 10 Things, And Trump Will Be Toast

Making calls apparently has a disproportionately large effect on congressbastards, although some of the others (like running for office!) are a bit tough:

Sean Spicer's Alternative ABCs

One-upping Sarah Palin's word salad specialty:

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Teen Suicide Attempts Fell as Same-Sex Marriage Became Legal

The next time you meet a pro-lifer who also wants gay marriage repealed, throw him this statistic:

Getting Rid Of Trump ‘Easy’: Neither Impeachment Nor 25th Amendment Required

This could work:

I'm not 100% convinced Drumpf's tax forms will take him down, though. I think there's a reasonable chance there isn't technically anything criminal in them, but that they show he's paid no taxes in 20 years and that he has less money than he claims. I think he would be more worried that people will think less of him (which they will) than any concerns about legalities.

President Trump's Foreign Policy Failures Are Alarming Europe

This shows how much the rest of the modern world depends on a sane US foreign policy:

Lawrence O'Donnell: Mike Pence is the man Trump should fear

I'd hate to see Pence take over, but it would be amusing to see Trump go batshit crazy about being kicked out for being incompetent:

The original video is available here:

Friday, February 17, 2017

After Bonkers Conference, Trump Emails Bizarre Survey To Boost Ego

This is so amazingly...pathetic and sad:

What Delaware’s Special Election Reveals About The Trump Resistance

This is rather long as it can be sustained until the next elections:

Keith Olbermann: Is The Trump White House High?

Another great rant:

Four Ways To Impeach Trump

Keeping an eye for at least one of them to gain traction:

"I suffered for eight years now it's your turn."

A great summary of Obama's achievements in response to those who claim to have suffered under Obama's presidency:

18 WTF Moments From Trump's Unhinged Press Conference

Amazing shit show:

House Republicans launch special investigation to protect Donald Trump from Russia scandal

This especially pisses me off:

Trump and McConnell inadvertently make the rock solid case for NOT confirming Supreme Court nominee

This would be a brilliant way to stop the nomination of Gorsuch:

Just too bad McConnell is a hypocrite....

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

The beginning of the end ...finally ... and the long road of obstruction begins ... Drumpf-Gate

Wow. This has the potential to bring down not just Trump, but the entire administration. Delicious, just delicious:

The only way to get into America is through this 60,000 strong, pro-Trump armed force

This is a lot scarier than most people realize:

Climate Change Is A Far Bigger Threat To Wildlife Than We Thought, Study Says

This is heartbreaking and it just pisses me off more about the reactionary anti-science policies of the Trumpertantrum administration:

Conservatives Take A Hard Line On Obamacare Repeal, Putting GOP In A Bind

Hopefully, as long as they are attacking one another, they won't be able to do much damage to a ACA:

Dear White, Christian Trump Supporters: We Need To Talk

A useful perspective from one of their own:

Morning Joe & Mika on WH Advisor Steven Miller: "Oh my God! It's much worse than I imagined"

There's a new liar in town:

Be sure to watch the whole video.

Monday, February 13, 2017

New Jersey congressman invokes 1924 tax law giving Congress power to examine Trump's tax returns

Oh please happen!

Someone invented a new word for Donald Trump and people think it's perfect

Perfect. Just perfect:

I understand now. The Trump administration is right about everything

Of course! It's the only explanation!

Illegal Voting Gets Texas Woman 8 Years in Prison, and Certain Deportation

This is why illegal immigration issues aren't black and white:

5 Reasons Why America Will Not Collapse Like the Roman Empire

This is encouraging:

Sunday, February 12, 2017

The Continuing History Of The Republican Alternative To Obamacare

The sad results of years of the Party of No tackling an alternative:

What Neil Gorsuch Means In the Battle Over Abortion Rights

Angry Veterans Use ‘SNL’ To Send President Trump A Serious Message

Watch the video. It's effective:

A list of Trump's executive actions and their consequences

It looks like Trumplethinskin is getting a lot done in his agenda...but not so much:

Why Nobody Cares the President Is Lying

This is what we're up against:

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Buzzfeed Exposes Continued Russian Involvement In Our Upcoming Midterm Elections!

Russian involvement HAS to be investigated:

Americans Now Evenly Divided on Impeaching Trump

ALL these statistics are good news for us and terrible news for the Blumpkin in Chief:

The beginning of the end?

I don't know if it will go anywhere, but the first step toward impeachment has been taken:

Paul Krugman Issues A Warning About What We All Know Is Coming

An attack on the US would give Shitler the power he craves, and blaming judges for stopping him helps shift the blame of any attack onto them:

Congressional Oversight May Be More Important Than Ever. Is Jason Chaffetz Up To The Job?

Friday, February 10, 2017

Trump vexed by challenges, scale of government

Aw, poor privileged baby can't handle it:

The taste of his tears are so delicious.…

Protesters block Betsy DeVos from entering public school in Washington

She NEEDS education in public schools...but maybe if enough people despise her and she can't do her job, she will resign:

Donald Trump has successfully buried the story that worries him most

I suspect people finding out he's not really a billionaire bothers him most, but this is likely near the top:

Michael Flynn Caught Lying About Russia Talks, Reports Say

Come on, folks, when do the prosecutions begin?

Amidst Everything Else, We're Now Dealing with a War on Science

This really is the worst:

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Ethics office swamped with calls after Conway plugs Ivanka Trump line

How many laws will they have to break until they're prosecuted?

American companies are bracing for a new kind of “natural disaster”: a mean tweet from Donald Trump

Anti-Trump insurance. This is what we've come to:

Why Stop At Rosie? ‘SNL’ Should Have Women Play Trump’s Entire Administration

Considering how thin-skinned Trumplethinskin is, this should drive him nuts:

My favorite? Ellen DeGeneres as Mike Pence. :-)

Steve Bannon Believes The Apocalypse Is Coming And War Is Inevitable

Or this?

Trump's partner in crime (or even puppet master) wants war. Oh, fun.

The Bannon Files: Divorce Records Reveal Marital Discord and Questionable Parenting

Is anyone surprised by this?

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Pennsylvania senator to Trump: Come after me, you 'shit-gibbon'

Wow. This is

Europe Must Defend Itself Against A Dangerous President

Reaction to Trump from a German perspective:

It would take two things to impeach Donald Trump, and right now his critics have neither

Alas, it doesn't look like impeachment is likely...for now:

But having him resign is looking increasingly likely!

Leaks Suggest Trump’s Own Team Is Alarmed By His Conduct

Failure is an option:

GOP Senator On Obamacare Replacement: ‘There’s Not Any Real Discussion Taking Place Right Now’

They've had SEVEN YEARS to come up with a replacement. Now they don't think they can come up with anything for at least another year? This isn't a project they're even interested in, so good luck on them finding a way to cover everyone with less cost that Republicans can swallow. This WILL bite them in the ass:

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Those who voted for Trump got conned

So nicely laid out:

And these are the people who have been hoodwinked...and are still deluded, unfortunately:

They're not getting enough help, but they HAVE gotten some they pin their hopes on someone who is busy getting RID of that help. Sigh.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Trump’s Immigration Order Is Getting Slammed With Legal Opposition

This is just beautiful to see. Tragic, too:

The March To Impeachment

The options for getting rid of Trump. An enjoyable read :-):

President Trump Defends Travel Ban: 'Any Negative Polls Are Fake News'

Rule #1 for fascism: Marginalize the press. And now ALL polling negative to Trump is "fake news":

Uh-Oh: Does Donald Trump Know How to Read?

This is pretty compelling evidence:

A president who can barely read? Ugh. Well, we have one more thing to use to attack his self-esteem....

Trump sells out retirees to Wall Street and removes protections against economic collapse

Trump really does seem like a Russian agent trying to destroy the U.S. from within:

An insurgent in the White House

"In politics, chaos normally leads to failure."

Republican Representatives Propose A Bill to Abolish The EPA

This is awful. I can't tell whether it's pure evil or sheer stupidity at work here:

Sunday, February 5, 2017

‘He Has This Deep Fear That He Is Not a Legitimate President’

This article by some of the people who know Trump best gives some wonderful insight into the morass that is Trump's mind:

In The Age Of Trump, Thank God For James Comey

I was under the perception that three things were mostly responsible for sinking Clinton's election at the end: Comey and his timely updates on the investigation into Clinton's emails, Putin's meddling in the election through Wikileaks, and fake news. Well, according to this, Comey may not have been intentionally at fault:

Trump Takes Propecia, A Hair-Loss Drug Associated With Mental Confusion, Impotence

This could explain a LOT:

Congressional Republicans Continue Taking Heat Over Obamacare Repeal

This article talks about my congressman, Tom McClintock, who is, unfortunately, a Republican. But it's great to see locals taking him to task:

Friday, February 3, 2017

PPP Poll 40% of voters want Trump Impeached

Another good sign:

Hill Republicans revolt over Trump's plans to build border wall

Republicans have the most power to wreck Trump's presidency, and this is a good start:

The Rise of Progressive 'Fake News'

This sucks. I try to avoid fake news, and will remove it if I inadvertently post any:

'Trump Adviser' Is a Contradiction in Terms (a.k.a: How to get rid of Steve Bannon)

The best way to get rid of white supremacist Steve Bannon is to give him more publicity than Trump:

Time Magazine is off to a good start with its latest cover:

‘I will give you everything.’ Here are 282 of Donald Trump’s campaign promises.

A good list to keep an eye on in the coming weeks, months and years:

I hope I'm kidding about the years part....

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Trump Vows to ‘Destroy’ Law Banning Political Activity by Churches

Abolishing separation of church and state? Even a conservative Supreme Court SHOULD strike that down:

Senate Democrats tweet out video calling out Mitch McConnell's hypocrisy in no uncertain terms

And then McConnell has the gall to claim Democrats are not playing nice:

(Watch the video)

Remember when Republicans weren't going to let Hillary Clinton have a SCOTUS appointment? Ever?

And here's an example of what will happen if Republicans aren't made to pay for their theft:

Neil Gorsuch's Supreme Court Seat Was Stolen by Republicans

It just fucking frosts me, and there HAVE to be serious negative consequences for the Republicans or else it will only encourage further unacceptable behavior:

A Scientists’ March on Washington Is a Bad Idea

Oh, bugger:

Yeah, that's probably true. But damn it, we can't help it if reality has a liberal bias!

Trump’s Ban Has Republican Fingerprints All Over It

And don't forget that Rudy Giuliani admitted they were working on a way to enact a ban on Muslims without calling it a ban on Muslims.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Why Democrats Should Oppose Neil Gorsuch

This article expresses my sentiments exactly:

Here is Mitch McConnell's hypocrisy on video:

Trump Supporters In This Small Town Love His Controversial Refugee Ban

This is just depressing to read. These people just don't have much of a grasp on reality:

Researchers Find a “Vaccine” for Climate Change Skeptics

Mass inoculations, now!

The psychology of why 94 deaths from terrorism are scarier than 301,797 deaths from guns

The statistics are clear, yet low-information voters are scared of the wrong things:

The odds:

"One in 6 million: Risk of dying in a plane hijacking, assuming you fly four times a month and hijackers destroy one plane every year. (Just to be clear, since 9/11, hijackers have not destroyed any flights in the US.)
One in 7,000: the risk of dying in a car accident in any given year
One in 600: the risk of dying from cancer in any given year"

And don't forget the 1 in 3.6 BILLION of being killed in a terrorist attack by a refugee.

How to Build an Autocracy

Your fresh scare for the day:

Why Trump Won’t Serve His Full First Term

I certainly hope this is true...although the guy who will replace him could be worse: