Thursday, December 22, 2016

Truck Fump

Sorry, no article to go with this. The title says it all.

Is it possible Trump doesn't divest because he can't afford it?

What possible reason could Orange Hitler have had for not releasing his tax returns than that he isn't nearly as rich as he claims?

What I think someone should do is to create a fake tax return showing Trump's finances to be in the toilet and then have it go viral. He couldn't let that go unanswered, but he would have to release his actual tax returns to counter it. What perfect karma for Mr. Birther!

Seven Deadly Sins

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Law Firm Offering Free Legal Advice To Electors Who Don’t Want To Vote For Trump

Nice to see. Every little bit ups the odds in our favor:

All the things I want to do as president!! By Barack Obama

With Biden in the chair on Jan. 3, the Senate can confirm a renominated Merrick Garland. Here's how.

This could come back to bite Democrats in the ass, but it WOULD be fair play against a Republican Senate that refused to do its job and put up Merrick Garland for confirmation:

And a petition to do just that:

Worth considering!

Republicans threatening to shut down government to ram through Trump's defense secretary nomination

This is too precious!

The Republicans OWN the government now (or will shortly). So isn’t their threatening to shut down the government like someone holding a gun to his own head and threatening to shoot himself if he doesn’t get his way? Go ahead, pull the trigger! We'll wait. (Please pass the popcorn.)

CNN’s Tapper blisters Mike Pence for ducking questions over Gen. Flynn’s conspiracy-mongering son

Sleazy and slimy how he evades answering the question:

Kudos to Jake Tapper