Wednesday, September 30, 2015

The Pope Made a Big Mistake

In his address to Congress, the pope said:

"A just and necessary punishment must never exclude the dimension of hope and the goal of rehabilitation." (

He was talking about the death penalty...but I don't think he realized that he effectively called God unjust. After all, Hell is where God sends the wicked to be punished for all eternity, without hope of redemption ("Abandon all hope, ye who enter here"--Dante). So either the pope lied to Congress or God is evil. Oops!

States Preaching Small Government Most Dependent On Federal Government

Monday, September 14, 2015

Understanding the Kim Davis Fallacy

Theoretical Bullshit is one of my favorite vloggers on YouTube, especially for atheism topics but also politics:

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

China's ecological disaster gives us an idea what Republican deregulation would do in the US

S.E. Cupp: GOP Voters Are Mean, Irrational, Reactionary, and Very, Very Delicate

I like to point out to conservatives that they too are politically correct. Ask them if they mind being called "low information voters," "old fat fucks," "fearmongers," "whiney little bitches," "slavers," "torture porn worshipers" (crucified Jesus) get the idea. Find what pisses them off, then feel free to call them overly politically correct when they object. Pot, kettle, black African American. ;-)