Friday, May 24, 2013

How Big a Scandal Was the IRS Scandal?

Most interesting...ALL the conservative groups the IRS investigated were approved, while the one group that was turned down was liberal. So to prevent rival groups from forming, the White House ordered the groups to be investigated...and then approved?

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Atheists Are Also Redeemed

Oh, no! So now we atheists have to do evil (like molesting children and condemning homosexuals) in order to escape going to heaven to live wit the evil Judeo-Christian God???

Sunday, May 19, 2013

How the Case for Austerity Has Crumbled

This sounds like a boring story, but it's a fascinating account of how conservatives foolishly embraced austerity and the world paid the price for it:

Interesting notes on how people often consider depressions to be morality plays, when they're not.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

12 most despicable things Fox News did in 2012

Conservative Pundits Distrust The Latest White House Scandals

Did you think conservative pundits would be giddy about the recent IRS and data seizing scandals? Think again:

My favorite line:

"When you’ve been claiming for years that Obama is willing to manipulate hurricane forecasts for political gain, or use census records to round up political opponents, or deploy drones to kill journalists and political enemies, then asking a few dozen Tea Party groups for some extra paperwork is small potatoes."