Sunday, November 13, 2011

Regulations Do Not Kill Jobs

From Time Magazine:

Overregulation has been a persistent economic bogeyman this year. Presidential candidate and Texas Governor Rick Perry says government regulations are "strangling the American entrepreneurship out there." House Speaker John Boehner says cutting regulation is the best way to boost jobs. Even President Barack Obama has talked about eliminating some government rules. In mid-October the World Bank released its annual ranking of countries on the basis of ease of doing business; it took into account the number of regulations, tax rates, the time it takes to start a business and other factors. Out of 183 countries, the U.S. was deemed the fourth easiest place in the world to do business, unchanged from the year before. What's more, a number of lower-ranked nations--including South Africa, China and Brazil--have had much faster-growing economies than the U.S. in the past five years. Neil Gregory, a deputy director for indicators at the World Bank, says regulations kill some jobs but create others. He says rules that promote small-business lending are essential. The search for the true job killer continues.

Read more:,9171,2098583,00.html#ixzz1dckS9AhR

The Super-Wealthy Hold over $25 trillion in Reserve

Applying an INSIGNIFICANT (i.e., unnoticeable) tax to the super-rich would easily more than close up the deficit without requiring cuts to services the less fortunate depend upon:

Friday, November 11, 2011

Islamic Hatred of Women Causes Rampant Homosexuality

This woman is too funny!

She appears to sincerely believe this, and her irony meter failed to go off when she compared Islamic crazy with Catholicism.